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Website Content Crawler
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Website Content Crawler

Website Content Crawler

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Automatically crawl and extract text content from websites with documentation, knowledge bases, help centers, or blogs. This Actor is designed to provide data to feed, fine-tune, or train large language models such as ChatGPT or LLaMA.

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Timeout setting does not work


manuel3 opened this issue
a month ago

[Need Help]

I set timeout but it does not work. Even timeout setting is on, some times the run keeps and use a lot of balance...

What could I do?

It happens frequently.

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Hello and thank you for your interest in this Actor!

Would you mind sharing a specific run where this happens (sharing only the Run ID is fine). The run linked to this issue has the limits (maxResults and maxCrawlPages) set to default and behaves as expected.

Note that the requestTimeoutSecs option sets the timeout per request (crawling one page), not the entire Actor Run. requestTimeoutSecs mostly protects the Actor from malformed (or too large) pages that take too long to parse and process.

You can also set a run-wide timeout limit in the bottom-most section of the input schema (Run Options > Timeout). Note that this means that the Apify Platform kills the Actor once it exceeds the given time - this is great for keeping tabs on the Platform usage ($$$), but also might result in incomplete results in your dataset (the Actor might not be able to finish its job).

But again, if you have encountered something that doesn't feel right, please share the run id here. Thanks!

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a month ago

Thank you for replying.

As you say, I want to set it to kill the Acotor once exceeds the time, And I set at 180 seconds, but for example, this run got 4 hours and I cancelled it.


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a month ago
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a month ago

What could I do?

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Thank you for the additional information!

Looking at the run you linked, I can see that the (hard) timeout for this run were the default 360 000 seconds. I also can see that you didn't start this Run from the web console, but via API (from a Python script perhaps?)

Note that the timeout set in the Input schema (in the web console) is only applicable for the current run that you run from the web. If you want to start a run with a hard timeout from your Python script, you need to pass the timeout option from there (e.g. see the documentation for ActorClient.start() method in our Python client - you can pass the named argument timeout_secs there.

If you are making the API calls yourself in your script, you can pass the query parameter timeout (see documentation). However, we strongly recommend you use the Apify Client for Python - it provides much nicer DX.

TLDR: pass the timeout option with every (Actor start) API call you make. Let me know how it went!

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a month ago

Thank you for your reply. From your advice, I made a code as below with "timeout_secs" but the duration is still uncontrollable...

from apify_client import ApifyClient

apify_client = ApifyClient('MY_API_KEY')

actor_call ='apify/website-content-crawler').call(run_input={ 'startUrls': [{ 'url': '' }], 'maxRequestsPerCrawl': 1, 'maxCrawlingDepth': 1, 'timeout_secs': 30 })

dataset_items = apify_client.dataset(actor_call['defaultDatasetId']).list_items().items

for item in dataset_items: print(item['url']) print(item['text']) print('---')

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a month ago
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a month ago

I will attach the code file too here.

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Hello again!

Note that timeout_secs is not a part of the Actor input (run_input), it's a separate keyword argument to the call method (see docs). The following code should work as expected:

1from apify_client import ApifyClient
3apify_client = ApifyClient('MY-API-KEY')
5actor_call ='apify/website-content-crawler').call(
6    run_input={
7        'startUrls': [{
8            'url': ''
9        }],
10        'maxRequestsPerCrawl': 1,
11        'maxCrawlingDepth': 1,
12    },
13   timeout_secs=30 # timeout_secs is a separate keyword argument

Once again, thank you for your patience! This kind of feedback is very important to us - we'll look at what we can do regarding the documentation - we'd love to make it more approachable. Thanks again!

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 2k monthly users
  • 99.9% runs succeeded
  • 2.9 days response time
  • Created in Mar 2023
  • Modified 3 days ago