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Zillow Detail Scraper
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Zillow Detail Scraper

Zillow Detail Scraper

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Get details of Zillow properties from URLs. This Actor can be easily integrated with other Zillow Scrapers.


high number of failures


rachaelroland opened this issue
4 months ago

i keep getting failure notices. i have attached a screenshot and a link to one of the runs. this is happening repeatedly

paja avatar

Hi, thanks for reaching out, we'll investigate what went wrong here and let you know what can be done.

mvolfik avatar

Hi, sorry that we missed your report earlier - this exact issue appeared in our internal monitoring as well, and we fixed it independently of your message. Specifically, this is resolved since version 0.0.29, i.e. runs started with latest tag since 18th March.
Thanks for reaching out nonetheless!

To explain a bit what was the underlying issue: previously, when there was no result for a address search, we considered the request failed (even though it was perfectly good, Zillow just had no data for the address). From release 0.0.29 onwards, if Zillow repeatedly responds with no data for an address, we consider it a successful request, so the error monitoring isn't triggered by this situation anymore.

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 99 monthly users
  • 16 stars
  • 97.3% runs succeeded
  • 10 days response time
  • Created in Jun 2023
  • Modified 16 days ago