Linkedin profile scraper avatar
Linkedin profile scraper
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Linkedin profile scraper

Linkedin profile scraper

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3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape linkedin profile urls and get complete profile details including basic info, position history, skills, company details, bio, location, etc


not workinf in stable build as well


competent_clarinet opened this issue
2 months ago

bro after paying and investing so much time into figuring it nothing is working it's pain full. Please resolve this. Or refund the amount. I will look out for something else

curious_coder avatar

As the status message says, your cookies might have expired. Did you try re exporting cookies from linkedin and using it in a new run ? Also try changing proxy type to residential

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 159 monthly users
  • 17 stars
  • 90.6% runs succeeded
  • 6.6 days response time
  • Created in Sep 2023
  • Modified 5 days ago