Linkedin profile scraper avatar
Linkedin profile scraper
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Linkedin profile scraper

Linkedin profile scraper

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3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape linkedin profile urls and get complete profile details including basic info, position history, skills, company details, bio, location, etc


Query regarding cookies


expert_extraction opened this issue
7 months ago

Can this scraper be used in a production-level application where multiple requests will be made daily. Is there any risk of account ban based on the cookies. What's the safe limit?

curious_coder avatar

You can use with proxies and multiple linkedin accounts. Don't run simultaneously using same cookies though

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 159 monthly users
  • 17 stars
  • 90.6% runs succeeded
  • 6.6 days response time
  • Created in Sep 2023
  • Modified 5 days ago