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Find Social Media Profiles
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Find Social Media Profiles

Find Social Media Profiles

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Pay $3.00 for 1,000 Results

Find Social Media Profiles will enable you to search for public social media profiles related to a given array of text identifiers, such as names or nicknames.

What does Find Social Media Profiles do?

Find Social Media Profiles will enable you to search for public social media profiles related to a given array of text identifiers, such as names or nicknames.

Find Social Media Profiles can currently find profiles on the following social media sites:

  • askfm
  • discord (invite links)
  • facebook
  • github
  • instagram
  • linkedin
  • medium
  • pinterest
  • steam
  • threads
  • tiktok
  • twitch
  • youtube

Why search for social media profiles?

Finding social media profiles can be useful for various purposes, such as:

  • Background checks
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Networking
  • Research

How to use Find Social Media Profiles

It's easy to find social media profiles with Find Social Media Profiles Actor. Just follow these steps:

  1. Input an array of text identifiers, such as names or nicknames.
  2. Run the actor.
  3. View the output to see the links to the found social media profiles.

How much will it cost to use Find Social Media Profiles?

Apify provides $5 free usage credits every month on the Apify Free plan. You can use these credits to run Find Social Media Profiles and get the results for free.

If you need to search for more social media profiles regularly, consider upgrading to an Apify subscription. The Starter plan at $49/month allows for a higher volume of searches.


The actor produces JSON results containing links to the found social media profiles. Here is a sample of the data that the Actor produces:

2  "profileName": "mr beast",
3  "askfm": "",
4  "discord": "",
5  "facebook": "",
6  "github": "",
7  "instagram": "",
8  "linkedin": "",
9  "medium": "",
10  "pinterest": "",
11  "steam": "",
12  "threads": "",
13  "tiktok": "",
14  "twitch": "",
15  "youtube": ""

Tips for using Find Social Media Profiles

  • Ensure the text identifiers provided are as specific as possible to improve the accuracy of the search results.
  • Review the found social media profiles carefully to confirm their relevance.

When using Find Social Media Profiles, ensure that you comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding privacy and data protection. Always respect the terms of service of the social media platforms you are searching on. If you have any doubts about the legality of your actions, seek legal advice.

For more information on web scraping legality, you can read Apify's blog post: is web scraping legal?

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 10 monthly users
  • 2 stars
  • 95.9% runs succeeded
  • Created in Jun 2024
  • Modified 9 days ago