Best Reddit Scraper
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Scrape posts from a Subreddit or scrape comments from a post.
2023-12-23T11:08:51.723Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image of build PoOssD7NSCutURipq from repository.
2023-12-23T11:08:52.300Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container.
2023-12-23T11:08:52.474Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container.
2023-12-23T11:08:57.455Z INFO System info {"apifyVersion":"3.1.13","apifyClientVersion":"2.8.4","crawleeVersion":"3.6.2","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v16.20.2"}
2023-12-23T11:08:57.584Z input {
2023-12-23T11:08:57.586Z subRedditURL: ']8;;'\'
2023-12-23T11:08:57.587Z }
2023-12-23T11:08:57.588Z subRedditURL
2023-12-23T11:08:57.589Z redditPostURL undefined
2023-12-23T11:08:58.489Z error in getSubRedditPosts posts is not iterable (cannot read property undefined)
2023-12-23T11:08:58.519Z /usr/src/app/node_modules/ow/dist/index.js:36
2023-12-23T11:08:58.520Z (0, test_1.default)(value, labelOrPredicate, predicate);
2023-12-23T11:08:58.521Z ^
2023-12-23T11:08:58.523Z ArgumentError: Expected data
to be of type object
but received type undefined
2023-12-23T11:08:58.524Z at ow (/usr/src/app/node_modules/ow/dist/index.js:36:24)
2023-12-23T11:08:58.524Z at Dataset.pushData (/usr/src/app/node_modules/@crawlee/core/storages/dataset.js:199:26)
2023-12-23T11:08:58.525Z at Actor.pushData (/usr/src/app/node_modules/api... [trimmed]
Will Look into it
Looks like the issue is you're entering a search url (\ This scraper only scrapes all comments in a post, or all post titles in a subreddit.