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Instagram Scraper

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Instagram Scraper

Instagram Scraper

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Pay $2.30 for 1,000 results

Scrape and download Instagram posts, profiles, places, hashtags, photos, and comments. Get data from Instagram using one or more Instagram URLs or search queries. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs or integrate with other tools.

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actor running but no new results


rose_shampoo opened this issue
a month ago

Hi, my actor has been running for the past hour (after i increased the limit), so far it only shows a result around 187k, with a price $100, though have been charged over $400.

The number of results is not changing on the system. Is there any bug which stops new results coming in? Not sure what is the discrepancy of charges/results, or a slow update on the UI?

Also, the same actor I ran two weeks ago, would feature the column 'caption' quite early on. This new run gives more results of business description.



a month ago

see the number of results which have not changed for the past hours.

alexey avatar


I aborted your run and investigating the case, will keep you informed about the progress



a month ago

Thank you Alexey.

Look forward to your feedback later today.

Also since I have another 6 sets (cities) of similar tasks to run on this scraper, it would be great to know when the issue is resolved so I can continue with the remaining scraping tasks.

Thank you.

alexey avatar


Charging was applied correctly, but counter in run was not correct, platform team should release fix ASAP.

Running without results was caused by bug in logic when max paid limit was applied only partially. Hot-fixed, confirmed by resurrecting your run, it finished under new latest build properly.

Thanks a lot for your feedback and patience!



24 days ago


alexey avatar

Hi again, I'm going to close this issue for now, but if there's still anything unclear, please, let us know. We appreciate customer feedback!

Maintained by Apify

Actor Metrics

  • 6k monthly users

  • 580 stars

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 2.5 days response time

  • Created in Apr 2019

  • Modified 9 hours ago