Idealista By Phone Scraper avatar
Idealista By Phone Scraper


$20.00/month + usage

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Idealista By Phone Scraper

Idealista By Phone Scraper


Developed by


Maintained by Community

Scrape Idealista property listings by phone number. Find all properties listed by a specific agent or agency in Spain, Italy, or Portugal. Filter by operation type (sale/rent) and property type (homes, offices, etc.). Get detailed property information for your real estate research.

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$20.00/month + usage


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Last modified

18 days ago

Idealista Scraper by Phone Number

This Apify Actor scrapes property listings from Idealista based on a phone number search. It allows you to find all properties listed by a specific agent or agency using their phone number.


  • Search for properties by phone number
  • Filter by country (Spain, Italy, Portugal)
  • Filter by operation type (sale or rent)
  • Filter by property type (homes, offices, commercial properties, etc.)
  • Extracts detailed property information

Input Parameters

countryStringCountry code (es: Spain, it: Italy, pt: Portugal)
phoneStringPhone number to search for on Idealista
operationStringType of operation (sale or rent)
propertyTypeStringType of property to search for


Pricing model


To use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.

Free trial

7 days

