Woocommerce Scraper by Bumble
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Our WooCommerce Scraper seamlessly integrates with any WooCommerce website, effortlessly gathering detailed product and pricing data. Download results in HTML, JSON, CSV, Excel, XML, or RSS for versatile use.
Actor ignores URLs and uses its own preset URL
just try with a random woocommerce website https://www.shoprootscience.com/. It works well by removing the default url in the input.
Please share more.
Logs and screenshots provided :-)
Thanks for sharing. I solved the issue and tested it. Can you try again ? On my side it was blocked by cloudflare so please choose a proxy
Hello, I am also experiencing the actor ignoring my URLs and only running the default URL even though I removed www.yeezysupplys.net I also used a proxy.
2024-02-26T10:09:28.918Z '
apologise for the late reply what was url in the input ?
It should work. I will close the case. If anything happens let me know.