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Jul 9, 2024

Crawlee for Python is here: Use Python to build reliable web crawlers



We launched our open-source web scraping and browser automation library Crawlee in August 2022 and got an amazing response from the JavaScript community. With many early adopters in its initial days, we got valuable feedback, which gave Crawlee a strong base for its success.

Since the launch, the feedback we’ve received most often has been to build Crawlee in Python so that the Python community can use all the features the JavaScript community does.

With all these requests in mind and to simplify the life of Python web scraping developers, we’re launching Crawlee for Python today.

The new library is still in beta, and we're looking for early adopters. Here's how you can help:

Check it out, give us feedback and star the library on Github! ⭐️

Support the release on ProductHunt 🚀


Saurav Jain

Developer Community Manager