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Mar 30, 2023

Improvements to Actors, new templates, and custom data retention




We have made various improvments to Apify Actors all over the board:

  • Code editor is now resizable
  • Input UI can be made full width
  • Access rights and sharing have been moved to the "Actions" dropdown menu
  • Runs, Builds, Integrations, and Issues tabs have now a chip showing the number of items

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Custom data retention

You can now configure the custom data retention in your account settings. The minimum 3 day data retention allows you to decrease storage cost, wheres the maximum 180 days help you to ensure that no data will be lost.

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New Actor templates

When creating an Actor you can try out our new templates for Cypress and Playwright Test recordings.

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And there's more

Besides that, we have just added an Asana integration. Try it out!

Marek Trunkat