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Dec 9, 2022

Improving observability of actor runs and proxy usage





One of the main challenges when scraping a website is monitoring the data quality across the actor runs. So we're working on a monitoring toolset to simplify this for users of our platform.

As a first step, we've just extended the list of runs with a couple of useful charts visualizing the main metrics, such as the number of dataset items, different fields, and the amount of data in the key-value store.

To see these charts, open a list of runs on any of your actors or tasks, and click "Show statistics."

Is there anything you'd like us to add? Let us know!

CleanShot 2022-12-08 at 16.07.31@2x.png

In addition, we've largely improved the proxy page that now includes a complete breakdown of usage per domain and proxy type.

CleanShot 2022-12-08 at 16.17.45@2x.png

Marek Trunkat