APIs for COVID-19 statistics

All our COVID-19 APIs are open-source and free to use without any limitations. But if you find them useful, we would appreciate it if you link to https://apify.com/covid-19

Some of these coronavirus APIs are no longer actively maintained, as infections have dropped in those countries thanks to vaccination.

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Latest data

CountryTestedInfectedRecoveredDeceasedSource last updateApify last updateSources
United States98,174,3641,073,115over 1 year agoover 1 year agoLatest History Source
India43,938,76443,267,571526,167almost 2 years agoLatest History Source
Germany36,205,405156,613over 1 year agoLatest History
Brazil34,999,495688,907over 1 year agoover 1 year agoLatest History Source
Italy24,031,53823,398,125180,518over 1 year agoover 1 year agoLatest History Source
Japan21,150,37144,576over 1 year agoLatest History
United Kingdom18,393,951181,424over 2 years agoover 2 years agoLatest History Source
Vietnam11,511,45210,606,901over 1 year agoLatest History Source
Iran54,420,7857,559,2967,334,732144,626over 1 year agoLatest History Source
Malaysia4,967,2994,903,90636,595over 1 year agoLatest History Source
Russia17,803,9554,718,8544,343,229106,307over 1 year agoover 1 year agoLatest History Source
Czech Republic56,566,7604,168,0154,124,22841,759over 1 year agoover 1 year agoLatest History
Belgium33,313,8803,972,96331,165over 2 years agoover 2 years agoLatest History Source
Philippines3,661,0493,551,68756,401over 2 years agoLatest History Source
Canada3,349,64737,229over 2 years agoLatest History
Sweden2,604,86620,438almost 2 years agoLatest History Source
Switzerland2,433,26512,460over 2 years agoover 2 years agoLatest History Source
Serbia2,417,63317,344over 1 year agoLatest History Source
Hungary11,394,5562,036,3901,945,91047,191almost 2 years agoalmost 2 years agoLatest History Source
Netherlands1,908,67918,142almost 3 years agoLatest History
Norway11,366,3011,463,6614,154almost 2 years agoalmost 2 years agoLatest History Source
Bulgaria1,285,24837,997over 1 year agoLatest History Source
Portugal912,406850,03417,173about 3 years agoabout 3 years agoLatest History Source
Saudi Arabia825,176812,4549,448about 4 years agoover 1 year agoLatest History Source
Azerbaijan7,356,956823,954813,7509,972over 1 year agoLatest History Source
Bahrain10,446,484686,315682,4011,521almost 2 years agoLatest History Source
Palestine3,456,363658,784649,9015,682almost 2 years agoalmost 2 years agoLatest History Source
Denmark458,001282,016over 2 years agoover 2 years agoLatest History Source
Honduras377,293118,84810,373over 2 years agoLatest History
South Korea15,849,304366,3862,858over 3 years agoover 2 years agoLatest History Source
Slovenia8,094,663322,9145,027almost 3 years agoover 2 years agoLatest History Source
China160,000,000288,562261,1235,229over 1 year agoLatest History Source
Algeria271,023182,5266,881over 1 year agoLatest History Source
Nigeria266,283259,6433,155over 1 year agoLatest History Source
Finland6,997,500137,5941,062almost 3 years agoLatest History Source
Spain56,63371,121over 2 years agoover 2 years agoLatest History Source
Turkeyabout 2 years agoalmost 2 years agoLatest History Source
Slovakia191over 1 year agoLatest History
Singapore58almost 3 years agoalmost 3 years agoLatest History Source
Romania13,607,64267,243over 1 year agoover 1 year agoLatest History
Poland118,195over 1 year agoover 1 year agoLatest History Source
Pakistanabout 23 years agoover 1 year agoLatest History Source
Luxembourgalmost 2 years agoalmost 2 years agoLatest History Source
Franceabout 2 years agoover 1 year agoLatest History Source
Austriaover 1 year agoLatest History

COVID-19 Actors


959395053th covid api


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real manne



Coronavirus stats in Germany avatar

Coronavirus stats in Germany


Gets up-to-date number of people tested for and infected with COVID-19 in Germany from https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Fallzahlen.html

User avatar

Lukáš Širhal



Coronavirus stats in Japan avatar

Coronavirus stats in Japan


Gets an actual number of examined and infected people by COVID-19 in the Japan from https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/coronavirus

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Lukáš Širhal



Coronavirus stats across the World avatar

Coronavirus stats across the World


Aggregates data from all the Apify coronavirus COVID-19 public actors and unifies them in one overview dataset. Uses our API's for your COVID-19 reports and overviews.

User avatar

Petr Pátek



Coronavirus stats in Vietnam avatar

Coronavirus stats in Vietnam


Gets an actual number of tested cases, number of confirmed cases and number of deaths by COVID-19 in the Vietnam from https://ncov.moh.gov.vn/.

User avatar

Tin Duong



Coronavirus stats in Malaysia avatar

Coronavirus stats in Malaysia


Gets all the charts statistics (actual number of examined, infected and deceased people) by COVID-19 in Malaysia from http://www.moh.gov.my/index.php/pages/view/2019-ncov-wuhan.

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Zuzka Pelechová



Coronavirus stats from Worldometer avatar

Coronavirus stats from Worldometer


Gets the statistics of COVID-19 in the world from https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/.

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Zuzka Pelechová



Coronavirus stats in Russia avatar

Coronavirus stats in Russia


Gets an actual number of examined and infected people by COVID-19 in Russia stats from https://www.rosminzdrav.ru/ministry/covid19

User avatar

Jan Krakora



Coronavirus stats in Romania avatar

Coronavirus stats in Romania


Gets an actual number of examined and infected people by COVID-19 in Romania from https://stirioficiale.ro/informatii

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Coronavirus stats in Slovakia avatar

Coronavirus stats in Slovakia


Gets an actual number of examined and infected people by COVID-19 in the Slovak Republic from https://korona.gov.sk/koronavirus-na-slovensku-v-cislach/.

User avatar

David Rychlý



Coronavirus stats in the Serbia avatar

Coronavirus stats in the Serbia


Gets an actual number of examined and infected people by COVID-19 in Serbia stats from https://covid19.rs/homepage-english/

User avatar

Jan Krakora



Coronavirus stats in Brazil avatar

Coronavirus stats in Brazil


Gets an actual number of infected people and deaths per region by COVID-19 in Brazil from https://covid.saude.gov.br/

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Paulo Cesar