Twitter tweet likes scraper avatar
Twitter tweet likes scraper
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Twitter tweet likes scraper

Twitter tweet likes scraper


Scrape likes from tweets to get the list of users who liked or favorited a tweet. Useful to DM to people who might be interested in your product or service.

How it works

You need to pass twitter cookies to this actor to use the existing session to perform scraping.

You can customise and randomise the delay between scraping pages.

Getting Started

Install Cookie-Editor chrome extension

Login to your twitter account

Click on the extension and export the twitter cookies

Paste the cookies into this actor's cookie input field

If you are interested in scraping twitter data, you must also check out these scrapers:

Here is the sample output of this actor:

2	"blocked_by": false,
3	"blocking": false,
4	"can_dm": false,
5	"can_media_tag": true,
6	"created_at": "Thu Jun 29 15:52:23 +0000 2023",
7	"default_profile": true,
8	"default_profile_image": false,
9	"description": "Radio fun",
10	"entities": {
11		"description": {
12			"urls": []
13		}
14	},
15	"fast_followers_count": 0,
16	"favourites_count": 640,
17	"follow_request_sent": false,
18	"followed_by": false,
19	"followers_count": 88,
20	"following": false,
21	"friends_count": 972,
22	"has_custom_timelines": false,
23	"is_translator": false,
24	"listed_count": 1,
25	"location": "Nairobi, Kenya",
26	"media_count": 1,
27	"muting": false,
28	"name": "Henry Ochoki Daktari",
29	"normal_followers_count": 88,
30	"notifications": false,
31	"pinned_tweet_ids_str": [],
32	"possibly_sensitive": false,
33	"profile_image_url_https": "",
34	"profile_interstitial_type": "",
35	"protected": false,
36	"screen_name": "HenryOchok83021",
37	"statuses_count": 708,
38	"translator_type": "none",
39	"verified": false,
40	"want_retweets": false,
41	"withheld_in_countries": [],
42	"id": "1674445317675024384"
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