Twitter Profile Scraper avatar

Twitter Profile Scraper

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Twitter Profile Scraper

Twitter Profile Scraper

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3 days trial then $10.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape any Twitter profile of any user. Extract tweets, replies, favorites, retweets, conversation threads and many more without any limit. Gather user related information such as verification, location, profile image, friends, followers, following and much more! No limits on Twitter!

Actor - Twitter Profile Scraper

Since Twitter doesn't provide a good and free API, this actor should help you to retrieve data from it.


  • Scrape user detail - Scrape any user-related information from any profile such as friends, followers, following, verified account, location, profile image, profile banner, profile URL, date of creation, and so on.

  • Scrape tweet - You can retrieve all the tweets from any profile with all the details. Language, sensitive language, reply, quote, retweet, pinned, retweeted, and all sorts of Tweet-related information.

  • Scrape statistics - Gather all the statistical information of a tweet.

Why use this actor?

This actor is extremely fast and optimized. It'll scrape Twitter profiles around 26 times faster than the other equivalent scrapers. Therefore you will consume fewer resources and it will be cheaper to use it.

Bugs, fixes, updates, and changelog

This scraper is under active development. If you have any feature requests you can create an issue from here.

Input Parameters

The input of this scraper should be JSON containing the list of pages on the Twitter Profile Scraper that should be visited. Possible fields are:

  • startUrls: (Optional) (Array) List of Twitter Profile URLs. You should only provide profile URLs.

  • addUserInfo: (Optional) (Boolean) This will add user information into all scraped tweets. Please keep in mind that the size of the output will increase proportionally to the user information.

  • addNotFoundUsersToOutput: (Optional) (Boolean) Appends an object to the output where the users are not found. It will work only the 'Only User Info' option is enabled.

  • addSuspendedUsersToOutput: (Optional) (Boolean) Appends an object to the output where the users are suspended. It will work only the 'Only User Info' option is enabled.

  • onlyUserInfo: (Optional) (Boolean)This option enables you to retrieve only user information and not the tweets of that user.

  • customMapFunction: (Optional) (String) Function that takes each object's handle as an argument and returns the object with executing the function.

  • proxy: (Required) (Proxy Object) Proxy configuration.

This solution requires the use of Proxy servers, either your own proxy servers or you can use Apify Proxy.


When you want to scrape over a specific profile URL, just copy and paste the link as one of the startUrl.

Compute Unit Consumption

The actor is optimized to run blazing fast and scrape many tweets as possible. Therefore, it forefronts all tweet detail requests. If the actor doesn't block very often it'll scrape 100 tweets in 20 seconds with ~0.02-0.025 compute units.

Twitter Profile Scraper Input example

2  "proxy":{
3    "useApifyProxy":true
4  },
5  "addUserInfo":true,
6  "startUrls":[
7    ""
8  ]

During the Run

During the run, the actor will output messages letting you know what is going on. Each message always contains a short label specifying which page from the provided list is currently specified. When items are loaded from the page, you should see a message about this event with a loaded item count and total item count for each page.

If you provide incorrect input to the actor, it will immediately stop with a failure state and output an explanation of what is wrong.

Twitter Profile Scraper Export

During the run, the actor stores results into a dataset. Each item is a separate item in the dataset.

You can manage the results in any language (Python, PHP, Node JS/NPM). See the FAQ or our API reference to learn more about getting results from this Twitter Profile actor.

Scraped Tweets Properties

The structure of each tweet in Twitter Profile Scraper looks like this:

Tweet Detail

2  "user": {
3    "created_at": "Tue Sep 01 08:38:01 +0000 2015",
4    "default_profile": false,
5    "default_profile_image": false,
6    "description": "Apify is a software platform that lets you automate anything a person can do manually in a web browser, and then run it at scale.",
7    "entities": {
8      "description": {
9        "urls": []
10      },
11      "url": {
12        "urls": [
13          {
14            "display_url": "",
15            "expanded_url": "",
16            "url": "",
17            "indices": [
18              0,
19              23
20            ]
21          }
22        ]
23      }
24    },
25    "fast_followers_count": 0,
26    "favourites_count": 347,
27    "followers_count": 1032,
28    "friends_count": 164,
29    "has_custom_timelines": false,
30    "is_translator": false,
31    "listed_count": 39,
32    "location": "The Interweb",
33    "media_count": 216,
34    "name": "Apify",
35    "normal_followers_count": 1032,
36    "pinned_tweet_ids_str": [
37      "1322257049527472128"
38    ],
39    "possibly_sensitive": false,
40    "profile_banner_extensions": {
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50                  "red": 242
51                }
52              },
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56                  "blue": 255,
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58                  "red": 134
59                }
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61              {
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64                  "blue": 112,
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66                  "red": 104
67                }
68              },
69              {
70                "percentage": 1.78,
71                "rgb": {
72                  "blue": 255,
73                  "green": 157,
74                  "red": 87
75                }
76              }
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78          }
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80      }
81    },
82    "profile_banner_url": "",
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87            "palette": [
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89                "percentage": 86.89,
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92                  "green": 255,
93                  "red": 255
94                }
95              },
96              {
97                "percentage": 4.83,
98                "rgb": {
99                  "blue": 19,
100                  "green": 144,
101                  "red": 255
102                }
103              },
104              {
105                "percentage": 4.27,
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107                  "blue": 1,
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109                  "red": 150
110                }
111              },
112              {
113                "percentage": 3.05,
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115                  "blue": 233,
116                  "green": 197,
117                  "red": 113
118                }
119              },
120              {
121                "percentage": 0.29,
122                "rgb": {
123                  "blue": 169,
124                  "green": 241,
125                  "red": 221
126                }
127              }
128            ]
129          }
130        }
131      }
132    },
133    "profile_image_url_https": "",
134    "profile_interstitial_type": "",
135    "protected": false,
136    "screen_name": "apify",
137    "statuses_count": 814,
138    "translator_type": "none",
139    "url": "",
140    "verified": false,
141    "withheld_in_countries": []
142  },
143  "created_at": "Thu Jul 14 13:34:06 +0000 2022",
144  "conversation_id_str": "1547575166686793730",
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146    0,
147    280
148  ],
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152        "display_url": "",
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156          281,
157          304
158        ],
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161        "url": "",
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204                "x": 427,
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206                "h": 37,
207                "w": 37
208              }
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222                "h": 57,
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273              "x": 121,
274              "y": 0,
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288    "user_mentions": [],
289    "urls": [
290      {
291        "display_url": "",
292        "expanded_url": "",
293        "url": "",
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295          257,
296          280
297        ]
298      }
299    ],
300    "hashtags": [
301      {
302        "indices": [
303          225,
304          242
305        ],
306        "text": "instagramscraper"
307      },
308      {
309        "indices": [
310          243,
311          255
312        ],
313        "text": "webscraping"
314      }
315    ],
316    "symbols": []
317  },
318  "extended_entities": {
319    "media": [
320      {
321        "display_url": "",
322        "expanded_url": "",
323        "ext_alt_text": "Three iPhone displays showing the description of three Instagram Scrapers from Apify Store: Instagram Profile Scraper, Instagram Hashtag Scraper, and Instagram Comment Scraper.",
324        "id_str": "1547575164660879363",
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326          281,
327          304
328        ],
329        "media_key": "3_1547575164660879363",
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340                "red": 242
341              }
342            },
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344              "percentage": 18.76,
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348                "red": 211
349              }
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357              }
358            },
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365              }
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368              "percentage": 2.01,
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373              }
374            }
375          ]
376        },
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378          "status": "Available"
379        },
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388              },
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390                "x": 644,
391                "y": 111,
392                "h": 57,
393                "w": 57
394              }
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396          },
397          "medium": {
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400                "x": 411,
401                "y": 60,
402                "h": 55,
403                "w": 55
404              },
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406                "x": 644,
407                "y": 111,
408                "h": 57,
409                "w": 57
410              }
411            ]
412          },
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414            "faces": [
415              {
416                "x": 272,
417                "y": 39,
418                "h": 36,
419                "w": 36
420              },
421              {
422                "x": 427,
423                "y": 73,
424                "h": 37,
425                "w": 37
426              }
427            ]
428          },
429          "orig": {
430            "faces": [
431              {
432                "x": 411,
433                "y": 60,
434                "h": 55,
435                "w": 55
436              },
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438                "x": 644,
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440                "h": 57,
441                "w": 57
442              }
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445        },
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450            "resize": "fit"
451          },
452          "medium": {
453            "h": 640,
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455            "resize": "fit"
456          },
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464            "w": 150,
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477            },
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482              "h": 640
483            },
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494              "h": 640
495            },
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500              "h": 640
501            }
502          ]
503        }
504      }
505    ]
506  },
507  "favorite_count": 0,
508  "favorited": false,
509  "full_text": "Extract profile information from Instagram with Instagram Profile Scraper! 📸 Quick, ready-made, and easy to set up, Instagram Scraper lets you extract usernames, followers & follows, bio, likes, & more. Try it now! 👇 #instagramscraper #webscraping",
510  "is_quote_status": false,
511  "lang": "en",
512  "possibly_sensitive": false,
513  "possibly_sensitive_editable": true,
514  "quote_count": 0,
515  "reply_count": 0,
516  "retweet_count": 0,
517  "retweeted": false,
518  "source": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">HubSpot</a>",
519  "user_id_str": "3510729917",
520  "id_str": "1547575166686793730"


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Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 90 monthly users

  • 21 stars

  • 97% runs succeeded

  • 1.6 days response time

  • Created in Jul 2022

  • Modified 6 hours ago
