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Tiktok Hashtag Scraper
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Tiktok Hashtag Scraper

Tiktok Hashtag Scraper

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3 days trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now

Experience the power of our state-of-the-art TikTok scraper, meticulously designed to fetch videos, hashtags, shares, followers, hearts, names, posts, URLs, and music data. Obtain comprehensive insights with ease, and choose your preferred data format: be it HTML, JSON, CSV, Excel, or XML.

The code examples below show how to run the Actor and get its results. To run the code, you need to have an Apify account. Replace <YOUR_API_TOKEN> in the code with your API token, which you can find under Settings > Integrations in Apify Console. Learn more

1from apify_client import ApifyClient
3# Initialize the ApifyClient with your Apify API token
4client = ApifyClient("<YOUR_API_TOKEN>")
6# Prepare the Actor input
7run_input = {
8    "search": [
9        "anime",
10        "tiktok",
11    ],
12    "startUrls": [
13        "https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=%23music&t=1670685477846",
14        "https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=%23dance&t=1670685484412",
15        "https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=%23challenge&t=1670685494590",
16    ],
17    "maxItems": 10,
18    "endPage": 1,
19    "extendOutputFunction": "($) => { return {} }",
20    "customMapFunction": "(object) => { return {...object} }",
21    "proxy": { "useApifyProxy": True },
24# Run the Actor and wait for it to finish
25run = client.actor("epctex/tiktok-hashtag-scraper").call(run_input=run_input)
27# Fetch and print Actor results from the run's dataset (if there are any)
28print("💾 Check your data here: https://console.apify.com/storage/datasets/" + run["defaultDatasetId"])
29for item in client.dataset(run["defaultDatasetId"]).iterate_items():
30    print(item)
32# 📚 Want to learn more 📖? Go to → https://docs.apify.com/api/client/python/docs/quick-start
Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 5 monthly users
  • 2 stars
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • Created in Jan 2023
  • Modified about 23 hours ago