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Facebook Marketplace Scraper
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Facebook Marketplace Scraper

Facebook Marketplace Scraper

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3 days trial then $39.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape facebook marketplace with highly targeted/customized search queries and filters. Export and download data to CSV/JSON etc.


is there a way to do property?


crashman opened this issue
10 months ago

can you give a sample input? it's not working.

inquisitive_sarangi avatar

Hi there

Yes, you can do property query.

Here is an input:

{ "category": "propertyrentals", "extendItem": true, "isC2CListingOnly": false, "lat": "40.68", "lng": "-73.87", "local": true, "maxPage": 1, "proxy": { "useApifyProxy": true, "apifyProxyGroups": [ "RESIDENTIAL" ], "apifyProxyCountry": "US" }, "radius": "10" }

in case you need to get extended items data, you will need to enable "Get item extended data" checkbox.

inquisitive_sarangi avatar

Please feel free to get in touch if you are facing any issues or have any queries. I would be happy to help.


Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 39 monthly users
  • 6 stars
  • 99.5% runs succeeded
  • 18 hours response time
  • Created in Sep 2023
  • Modified 3 months ago