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Mikhail Koviazin


Highly skilled web scraping and automation expert. Data extraction of any complexity. Automation of routine web processes for you business.

Data extraction and web automation of any complexity

How many time do you spend, gathering and normalizing data from the internet? Do you have other important work to do for your personnel, except routine work in the web?

My clients and their personnel in average spent 30-40% of workday for the repetitive web routine. When they became my clients, this time become their free time. My solutions already helped companies and people to save thousands of working hours. Are you ready to free up your time for other things? Here is the plan:

  1. 📊 Discuss and analyze your business needs
  2. 💡 Transform ideas into algorythms
  3. ⚒️ Develop most suitable solution
  4. 🧩 Test and integrate with existing business processes
  5. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 Long-term support

Your time in unvaluable. Don't waste it on routine, let machines do it for you. Your ideas - my solutions.

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