Gas Prices Scraper
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Gas Prices Scraper
⛽ Find lowest gas prices and timestamps of price updates from gas stations in your area. Scrape gas station addresses, gas company names, open/closed status, website, reviews (stars), postal code and more. Download data scraped from Google Maps in various formats including HTML, JSON, and Excel.
Actor runs slower then needed
Hey Natasha, I wondering if you knew if I upgraded my Apify plan to get more ram, would I be able to run this actor faster? Or is there no way of being able to have it run any faster?
This is the run. I noticed the concurrency starts at 1. Is there anyway you can make it so I can adjust the concurrency to whatever I'd desire?

Ondrej Klinovský (ondrejklinovsky)
thanks for your questions. Unfortunately we need to limit the concurrency in order to avoid running out of memory - both browser and Google Maps are memory heavy apps.
Running the actor with more memory will make it faster, though the start of the actor (first 1-2 minutes) will be about the same.
You could try a different actor Google Maps Extractor - it doesn't use browser so it's much faster and memory light. It doesn't scrape everything, but it does scrape gasPrices
. I'm sharing a run with similar input to yours so you can compare.