Python web scraping templates
Build scrapers quickly with templates for Requests, Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, Playwright, and Selenium
Python templates
Scrape single page with provided URL with HTTPX and extract data from page's HTML with Beautiful Soup.
StarterExample of a web scraper that uses Python HTTPX to scrape HTML from URLs provided on input, parses it using BeautifulSoup and saves results to storage.
Crawler example that uses headless Chrome driven by Playwright to scrape a website. Headless browsers render JavaScript and can help when getting blocked.
Scraper example built with Selenium and headless Chrome browser to scrape a website and save the results to storage. A popular alternative to Playwright.
Empty template with basic structure for the Actor with Apify SDK that allows you to easily add your own functionality.
Template with basic structure for an Actor using Standby mode that allows you to easily add your own functionality.
StarterThis example Scrapy spider scrapes page titles from URLs defined in input parameter. It shows how to use Apify SDK for Python and Scrapy pipelines to save results.
Crawl and scrape websites using Crawlee and BeautifulSoup. Start from a given start URLs, and store results to Apify dataset.
StarterCrawl and scrape websites using Crawlee and Playwright. Start from a given start URLs, and store results to Apify dataset.
StarterApify Universal Scrapers
Universal Scrapers provide you with a solid boilerplate to build fully functioning scrapers directly on the Apify platform. Configure and run your web scrapers manually in a user interface or programmatically via an API.
Cheerio Scraper
Crawls websites using raw HTTP requests, parses the HTML with the Cheerio library, and extracts data from the pages using a Node.js code. Supports both recursive crawling and lists of URLs. This actor is a high-performance alternative to apify/web-scraper for websites that do not require JavaScript.
Web Scraper
Crawls arbitrary websites using the Chrome browser and extracts data from pages using JavaScript code. The Actor supports both recursive crawling and lists of URLs and automatically manages concurrency for maximum performance. This is Apify's basic tool for web crawling and scraping.
Puppeteer Scraper
Crawls websites with the headless Chrome and Puppeteer library using a provided server-side Node.js code. This crawler is an alternative to apify/web-scraper that gives you finer control over the process. Supports both recursive crawling and list of URLs. Supports login to website.
Playwright Scraper
Crawls websites with the headless Chromium, Chrome, or Firefox browser and Playwright library using a provided server-side Node.js code. Supports both recursive crawling and a list of URLs. Supports login to a website.
Vanilla JS Scraper
Scrape the web using familiar JavaScript methods! Crawls websites using raw HTTP requests, parses the HTML with the JSDOM package, and extracts data from the pages using Node.js code. Supports both recursive crawling and lists of URLs. This actor is a non jQuery alternative to CheerioScraper.
BeautifulSoup Scraper
Crawls websites using raw HTTP requests. It parses the HTML with the BeautifulSoup library and extracts data from the pages using Python code. Supports both recursive crawling and lists of URLs. This Actor is a Python alternative to Cheerio Scraper.