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Yelp Scraper

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Yelp Scraper

Yelp Scraper

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Free Yelp web scraper to extract data from Yelp. Fast Yelp review scraper, but also gets business details and ratings without using the Yelp API.

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Not getting any results sometimes


drmaxus opened this issue
4 months ago

Sometimes, I get results as expected, but most of the time, the Actor aborts after 15 retries with no results at all. please see the log below.

tri_angle avatar

Hi, thank you for letting us know, that doesn't look right, we will investigate it.



4 months ago

Thanks. Looking forward to hearing from you.

tri_angle avatar

It might take a couple of days, I will let you know once I get some news from the developer.



4 months ago

Sometimes, I get results as expected, but most of the time, the Actor aborts after 15 retries with no results at all. please see the log below.

tri_angle avatar

Hi, it seems to happen mainly to users on the free plan, the reason might be a smaller proxy pool. We are looking into ways how to improve this, but it will probably be a longer run. In the meantime, you can try to run smaller queries, e.g. one search term in one location.

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 85 monthly users
  • 26 stars
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • 24 hours response time
  • Created in Dec 2019
  • Modified 23 days ago