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Let me scrape, clean and validate your data! Web Scraping can't be valuable without Data Engineering!


1 public Actor

1 monthly user

Hi😉. I deploy and automate Web Scraping pipelines, and also clean/validate the data, putting it into any format that you want (CSV, database, Excel, Google Sheet, Parquet, etc.). As a seasoned Data Engineer (AWS Certified), I care deeply about turning the messy data into actionable metrics for your business.

🏋️ Tools & Technologies: Web Scraping Tools: Selenium, Crawlee, LXML. Programming: Python, TypeScript, SQL. Automation: N8N, Apify, Apache Airflow. Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, AWS Redshift, BigQuery, etc. Deployment: Docker, AWS.

Please reach out to me for any problem relating to Web Scraping😉

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