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Fetch Single X Post (Tweet)

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Fetch Single X Post (Tweet)

Fetch Single X Post (Tweet)


Fetch Single X Post (Tweet) helps you retrieve any specific Tweet without restrictions or rate limits, and returns live data.

Single Tweet Scraper

This scraper helps you to retrieve any specific Tweet without any restrictions or rate limits. The returning data contains live data.

Use Cases

This scraper can be used on other actors, as a helper or if you have a list of tweet IDs, you can use this scraper to retrieve the tweets.


The only required input is just Tweet ID.


  • Favorite count
  • Language of the tweet
  • Sensitiveness of the tweet
  • Creation time
  • Hashtags, URLs, user mentions, symbols, media
  • Tweet as a text
  • Sender with name, profile image, screen name and verified badge
  • Media details, with media link, resolutions and sizes, and availability, and RGB palette of media
  • Photos, background color as RGB, crop candidates for previewing the photo, with and heigh`
  • Conversation count

Here is an example of the tweet result:

2  "id": "1601510946211438597",
3  "result": {
4    "__typename": "Tweet",
5    "lang": "en",
6    "favorite_count": 2622,
7    "possibly_sensitive": false,
8    "created_at": "2022-12-10T09:35:38.000Z",
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11      251
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40    "id_str": "1601510946211438597",
41    "text": "Aliens? Unknown mysterious sea creatures? \n\nThey're just upside-down dried out Aloe Ferox (or Cape Aloe) leaves which the sea washed ashore, captured by photographer Jan Vorster on the Stilbaai shore, South Africa\n\n[read more: https://t.co/lUVO6qzAm9] https://t.co/zL4KdqaMT5",
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204    "conversation_count": 32,
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206  }
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