Zuzka Pelechová
Product owner at Apify
11 public Actors
16 monthly users
>99% runs succeeded
Head of Apify Store
🤟 Lovingly taking care of Apify Store so that all Actors are easy to use, reliable and with great results at the same time.
🌱 Supporting Apify community on Discord and everywhere really.
💡 Feel free to suggest new Actors or integrations at our Ideas page.
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Public Actors

Tableau Dashboard Refresher
Do you have a Google Sheets dashboard on Tableau Public, but only automatically refreshing it once a day is not enough for you? Refresh your Tableau Public dashboards as many times a day as you need with this handy free automation tool by Apify.

Coronavirus stats in Bulgaria
Gets all the charts statistics (actual number of infected, deceased and recovered people) by COVID-19 in Bulgaria from https://www.mh.government.bg/bg/informaciya-za-grazhdani/potvrdeni-sluchai-na-koronavirus-na-teritoriyata-na-r-blgariya/.

Coronavirus stats in Malaysia
Gets all the charts statistics (actual number of examined, infected and deceased people) by COVID-19 in Malaysia from http://www.moh.gov.my/index.php/pages/view/2019-ncov-wuhan.

Json To Excel
Convert your json into a tabular form, such as CSV, Excel or HTML table fast and easy.

India Times Scraper
Scrape news data from indiatimes.com with this unofficial API. Extract articles, monitor their popularity and performance and automate the fight against fake news. Filter the results by authors, topics, categories, or publication dates. Preview or download the results in your preferred format.

T-online Scraper
Scrape news data from t-online.de with this unofficial API. Extract articles, monitor their popularity and performance and automate the fight against fake news. Filter the results by authors, topics, categories, or publication dates. Preview or download the results in your preferred format.

Slack Messages Downloader
Download up to 1,000 Slack messages from a public channel of your choice. Extract message text, image URL, timestamp, reply count, user ID, reply user IDs, and more. Export Slack data in JSON, CSV, and Excel and use it for archives, backups, and automated reports.

Get Proper Url From Shortened One
Get the real url from any shortened or weird url form you can find. If you can manually open it in the browser, this actor will tell you the opened url. Link unshortener :)

Huffington Post Scraper
Scrape news data from huffpost.com with this unofficial API. Extract articles, monitor their popularity and performance and automate the fight against fake news. Filter the results by authors, topics, categories, or publication dates. Preview or download the results in your preferred format.

Franceinfo Scraper
Scrape news data from francetvinfo.fr with this unofficial API. Extract articles, monitor their popularity and performance and automate the fight against fake news. Filter the results by authors, topics, categories, or publication dates. Preview or download the results in your preferred format.

Download Images From Dataset
Download actual pictures from scraped dataset based on the image urls. The actor creates a zip file for you to download with one click.