Linkedin Profile Details Scraper avatar
Linkedin Profile Details Scraper
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Linkedin Profile Details Scraper

Linkedin Profile Details Scraper

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7 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Apify actor designed to extract main profile details from LinkedIn profiles. This actor provides comprehensive information, including contact details, name, cover, title, experience, education, licenses, and more.

URLs of the Linkedin profile


The URLs of Linkedin profiles you want to get the data from.


Cookie used to authorize actor with Install EditThisCookie chrome extension. Login to your account. Click on the extension and export the cookies. Insert the contents here

Minimum wait duration


Minimum duration in seconds to wait before scraping the next profile

Default value of this property is 20

Maximum wait duration


Maximum duration in seconds to wait before scraping the next profile

Default value of this property is 50

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 23 monthly users
  • 1 star
  • 60.4% runs succeeded
  • 2.2 days response time
  • Created in Nov 2023
  • Modified about 2 months ago