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Eventbrite Scraper


$15.00/month + usage

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Eventbrite Scraper

Eventbrite Scraper


Developed by

Aitor Sanchez-Mansilla

Maintained by Community

Efficiently scrape and extract Eventbrite event data for market research, lead generation, and event aggregation. This Eventbrite Scraper provides structured data on event details, organizers, dates, venues, and pricing, with flexible filtering options by country, city, and category.

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$15.00/month + usage


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24 hours

Last modified

a month ago

Eventbrite Scraper - Efficient Event Data Extraction for Market Research, Lead Generation, and More

The Eventbrite Scraper allows you to efficiently extract event data from Eventbrite. It provides detailed information on events such as:

  • Event name
  • Organizer details
  • Event description
  • Start and end dates
  • Event images
  • Tags, pricing, venue details, and more

With a user-friendly visual input, this tool is perfect for businesses, marketers, and event organizers looking to analyze event trends, aggregate data, or generate leads.

Use Cases

1. Market Research

Businesses and event organizers can analyze trends in event types, locations, and attendance, allowing them to plan their own events more effectively.

2. Competitive Analysis

Scrape competitor event data, such as pricing, audience demographics, and popularity, to optimize your own strategies.

3. Event Aggregation

Integrate Eventbrite events into your platform or app, offering users a comprehensive list of events based on location, category, or user preferences.

4. Lead Generation

Identify upcoming events and their organizers to generate new business leads. This is especially useful for companies offering services to event hosts, such as catering or marketing.

5. Personalized Recommendations

Analyze the scraped data to provide personalized event recommendations for your users based on their interests or browsing behavior.

6. Content Creation

Generate lists of “Top Events” or “Must-Attend Conferences” for blogs, publications, or social media, offering valuable insights to your audience.

7. Automated Alerts

Set up notifications for users when new events matching their interests are listed on Eventbrite.

Scraping Eventbrite allows you to build large datasets that can be analyzed to identify growing categories, changing pricing trends, or the most popular event locations.

9. Attendance Monitoring

Monitor similar events in your niche to estimate potential attendance rates and demand for your own events.


The cost of scraping Eventbrite data using this Actor is approximately $0.40 per 10,000 events, based on my own runs and Apify's usage pricing.


The input for this Actor is highly flexible, allowing users to filter events by country, city, category and keyword.

  • The country field is a dropdown menu that include all available countries from Eventbrite.
  • The city field requires manual input but is resilient to common misspellings and variations. For example, "miami beach," "Miami," or "miami fl" will all correctly point to events in Miami.
  • The category dropdown menu includes all standard categories used in eventbrite. Select "custom" to introduce your own keyword to search for events.
  • The keyword field refers to the keyword needed to search for events when selecting the "custom" category.
  • The startDate and endDate optional fields refer to the Start and End dates to search for events. You must specify none or both, it won't work if you only specify one of them.

Feel free to reach out if you need more advanced filtering options!


The data is returned in JSON format, which is ideal for integration into analytics platforms, websites, or apps. Below is an example of the structured output you will receive:

2       "image": {
3      "edge_color_set": true,
4      "edge_color": "#635c5d",
5      "url": "https://img.evbuc.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.evbuc.com%2Fimages%2F810071479%2F269258189388%2F1%2Foriginal.20240718-092159?w=512&auto=format%2Ccompress&q=75&sharp=10&rect=0%2C60%2C1920%2C960&s=74f4380880c0b31ee1d7c9bf259f065b",
6      "id": "810071479",
7      "crop_mask": {
8        "width": 1920,
9        "height": 960,
10        "top_left": {
11          "y": 60,
12          "x": 0
13        }
14      },
15      "aspect_ratio": "2",
16      "focal_point": null,
17      "original": {
18        "url": "https://img.evbuc.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.evbuc.com%2Fimages%2F810071479%2F269258189388%2F1%2Foriginal.20240718-092159?auto=format%2Ccompress&q=75&sharp=10&s=d36e8dfae12bcf8c0f1477baf7ad1a1b",
19        "width": 1920,
20        "height": 1080
21      }
22    },
23    "saves": {
24      "saved_by_you": false
25    },
26    "event_sales_status": {
27      "start_sales_date": {
28        "timezone": "Europe/Madrid",
29        "local": "2024-08-27T00:00:00",
30        "utc": "2024-08-26T22:00:00Z"
31      },
32      "default_message": null,
33      "sales_status": "on_sale",
34      "currency": "EUR",
35      "message_code": null,
36      "message": null,
37      "message_type": null
38    },
39    "timezone": "Europe/Madrid",
40    "id": "950668092857",
41    "privacy_setting": "unlocked",
42    "tickets_by": "Eventbrite",
43    "primary_organizer_id": "17763795191",
44    "tickets_url": "https://www.eventbrite.com/checkout-external?eid=950668092857",
45    "hide_end_date": false,
46    "start_date": "2024-09-21",
47    "end_time": "06:00",
48    "status": "live",
49    "_type": "destination_event",
50    "public_collections": {
51      "creator_collections": {
52        "object_count": 0,
53        "collections": []
54      }
55    },
56    "ticket_availability": {
57      "maximum_ticket_price": {
58        "currency": "EUR",
59        "major_value": "18.00",
60        "value": 1800,
61        "display": "18.00 EUR"
62      },
63      "minimum_ticket_price": {
64        "currency": "EUR",
65        "major_value": "0.00",
66        "value": 0,
67        "display": "0.00 EUR"
68      },
69      "is_free": false,
70      "has_bogo_tickets": false,
71      "has_available_tickets": true,
72      "is_sold_out": false
73    },
74    "end_date": "2024-09-22",
75    "tags": [
76      {
77        "prefix": "EventbriteSubCategory",
78        "tag": "EventbriteSubCategory/3999",
79        "display_name": "Other"
80      },
81      {
82        "prefix": "EventbriteCategory",
83        "tag": "EventbriteCategory/103",
84        "display_name": "Music",
85        "localized": {
86          "display_name": "Music"
87        }
88      },
89      {
90        "prefix": "EventbriteFormat",
91        "tag": "EventbriteFormat/11",
92        "display_name": "Party or Social Gathering"
93      },
94      {
95        "_type": "tag",
96        "tag": "OrganizerTag/dance",
97        "display_name": "dance",
98        "prefix": "OrganizerTag"
99      },
100      {
101        "_type": "tag",
102        "tag": "OrganizerTag/indie",
103        "display_name": "indie",
104        "prefix": "OrganizerTag"
105      },
106      {
107        "_type": "tag",
108        "tag": "OrganizerTag/pop",
109        "display_name": "pop",
110        "prefix": "OrganizerTag"
111      },
112      {
113        "_type": "tag",
114        "tag": "OrganizerTag/gratis",
115        "display_name": "gratis",
116        "prefix": "OrganizerTag"
117      },
118      {
119        "_type": "tag",
120        "tag": "OrganizerTag/madrid",
121        "display_name": "madrid",
122        "prefix": "OrganizerTag"
123      },
124      {
125        "_type": "tag",
126        "tag": "OrganizerTag/2000s",
127        "display_name": "2000s",
128        "prefix": "OrganizerTag"
129      },
130      {
131        "_type": "tag",
132        "tag": "OrganizerTag/madridtours",
133        "display_name": "madridtours",
134        "prefix": "OrganizerTag"
135      },
136      {
137        "_type": "tag",
138        "tag": "OrganizerTag/2000s_music",
139        "display_name": "2000s_music",
140        "prefix": "OrganizerTag"
141      },
142      {
143        "_type": "tag",
144        "tag": "OrganizerTag/2000sparty",
145        "display_name": "2000sparty",
146        "prefix": "OrganizerTag"
147      },
148      {
149        "_type": "tag",
150        "tag": "OrganizerTag/madridevents",
151        "display_name": "madridevents",
152        "prefix": "OrganizerTag"
153      }
154    ],
155    "eventbrite_event_id": "950668092857",
156    "start_time": "23:30",
157    "primary_venue": {
158      "_type": "destination_venue",
159      "name": "Independance Club",
160      "venue_profile_id": null,
161      "address": {
162        "city": "Madrid",
163        "country": "ES",
164        "region": "Comunidad de Madrid",
165        "longitude": "-3.692779899999999",
166        "localized_address_display": "127 Calle de Atocha, 28012 Madrid",
167        "postal_code": "28012",
168        "address_1": "127 Calle de Atocha",
169        "address_2": "",
170        "latitude": "40.409605",
171        "localized_multi_line_address_display": [
172          "127 Calle de Atocha",
173          "28012 Madrid"
174        ],
175        "localized_area_display": "Madrid"
176      },
177      "venue_profile_url": "",
178      "id": "98290569"
179    },
180    "primary_organizer": {
181      "_type": "destination_profile",
182      "num_upcoming_events": null,
183      "name": "Independance Club",
184      "profile_type": "organizer",
185      "num_followers": 12988,
186      "url": "https://www.eventbrite.es/o/independance-club-17763795191",
187      "twitter": null,
188      "summary": "Independance club está en pleno centro de Madrid, calle Atocha, 127. Espacio multidisciplinar con aforo para 729 personas, escenario de 50 metros, pasarela de 12 metros. Independance Club, es un espac...",
189      "num_saves": null,
190      "image_id": "788868779",
191      "followed_by_you": false,
192      "facebook": "independancemadrid",
193      "num_collections": null,
194      "id": "17763795191",
195      "website_url": null,
196      "num_following": null
197    },
198    "series_id": null,
199    "image_id": "810071479",
200    "is_protected_event": false,
201    "is_cancelled": null,
202    "primary_venue_id": "98290569",
203    "checkout_flow": "widget",
204    "name": "FIESTA AÑOS 2000s",
205    "language": "es-es",
206    "url": "https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-fiesta-anos-2000s-950668092857",
207    "hide_start_date": false,
209    "is_online_event": false,
210    "eid": "epttxbkh",
211    "published": "2024-07-18T09:21:34Z"


  • Event Name: The name of the event.
  • Organizer: Organizer's name and profile link.
  • Description: A summary or description of the event.
  • Dates: Start and end dates.
  • Images: Direct image URLs from Eventbrite.
  • Tags: Categorization tags, such as event type or genre.
  • Pricing: Ticket price range, including whether the event is free.
  • Venue: The event's venue details, including address.

Simplified Overview

A simplified view of this data will be shown directly in the Apify console, where you can see a table of key event details including names, dates, and organizer information.

2    "name": "R&B ROOFTOP BRUNCH + DAY PARTY",
3    "image.url": "https://img.evbuc.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.evbuc.com%2Fimages%2F799080499%2F213642457492%2F1%2Foriginal.20240630-230944?w=512&auto=format%2Ccompress&q=75&sharp=10&rect=0%2C0%2C2160%2C1080&s=cf7d590a1633568701acd9ef79a6535f",
4    "primary_organizer.name": "Royal @Royaltynyc",
5    "is_online_event": false,
6    "start_date": "2024-09-14",
7    "start_time": "15:00",
8    "end_date": "2024-09-14",
9    "end_time": "21:00",
10    "url": "https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rb-rooftop-brunch-day-party-tickets-130323899291"
11  }

How to Use

  1. Set your filters: Choose a country, city, and category using the user-friendly input interface.
  2. Ensure RESIDENTIAL proxy is ON: Apify's free residential proxy is enough. It is turned ON by default.
  3. Run the Actor: Start the scraping process, and the Actor will fetch event data according to your specifications.
  4. Export Data: Once scraping is complete, export the data in JSON format for further analysis or integration.

Start scraping Eventbrite events today by running this Actor on Apify. If you need additional custom features or filtering options, feel free to reach out to discuss your specific requirements.

If this actor has been useful to you, please consider giving it a ⭐ on Apify.


Pricing model


To use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.

Free trial

1 day

