Instagram Reels Scraper avatar

Instagram Reels Scraper

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Instagram Reels Scraper

Instagram Reels Scraper


Scrape Instagram Reel Information such as Likes,Comments,Ower Id etc...

Apify Actor: Instagram Reels Detail Scraper

This Apify actor scrapes details from public Instagram Reels based on a provided URL.

Important Note:

Respect Instagram's terms of service and avoid scraping excessively. This script focuses on public information and functionality might change due to updates in Instagram's API or structure.


  • Scrapes details from public Instagram Reels.
  • Targets Reels based on URL.
  • Potential scraped data includes:
    • Post caption
    • Like count
    • Comments (limited by Instagram)
    • Post date and time
    • Media URL (image or video)
    • Additional details depending on implementation

Output example

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