🏯 Tweet Scraper V2 (Pay Per Result) - X / Twitter Scraper
Pay $0.40 for 1,000 tweets
🏯 Tweet Scraper V2 (Pay Per Result) - X / Twitter Scraper
Pay $0.40 for 1,000 tweets
⚡️ Lightning-fast search, URL, list, and profile scraping, with customizable filters. At $0.40 per 1000 tweets, and 30-80 tweets per second, it is ideal for researchers, entrepreneurs, and businesses! Get comprehensive insights from Twitter (X) now!
Hey Team, I was trying to run the actor to get author information by fetching its recent tweet, how do I get the information about whether the Twitter account is having a blue tick, gold tick or a gray tick. Would be great if you could help me out here on this. Also if you could share your discord ID, would be great too. Thanks
Hey there,
Let me ask this to our engineering team and get back to you.
This should've been added. Can you please check and let me know?
Hey Team, Thanks for the feature request, it works well. For anyone wanting to understand how the output looks like :
Code : `client = ApifyClient(os.getenv("APIFY_API_TOKEN")) username = "CocaCola" run_input = { "searchTerms": [f"from:{username}"], "maxItems": 1, # We only need one tweet to get user info "tweetLanguage": "en", }
run = client.actor("apidojo/tweet-scraper").call(run_input=run_input) results = [item for item in client.dataset(run["defaultDatasetId"]).iterate_items()] results[0]["author"]`
Output :
`{'type': 'user', 'userName': 'CocaCola', 'url': 'https://x.com/CocaCola', 'twitterUrl': 'https://twitter.com/CocaCola', 'id': '26787673', 'name': 'Coca-Cola', 'isVerified': False, 'verifiedType': 'Business', 'isBlueVerified': True, 'profilePicture': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1234873883850952704/JQhv0G7n_normal.jpg', 'coverPicture': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/26787673/1592943063', 'description': 'Real Magic is only a sip away.', 'location': 'Atlanta, GA', 'followers': 3316550, 'following': 55414, 'status': '', 'canDm': True, 'canMediaTag': True, 'createdAt': 'Thu Mar 26 16:36:42 +0000 2009', 'entities': {'description': {'urls': []}, 'url': {'urls': [{'display_url': 'youtu.be/XEsrFIQOWZg', 'expanded_url': 'https://youtu.be/XEsrFIQOWZg', 'url': 'https://t.co/nqDyEvqfdZ', 'indices': [0, 23]}]}}, 'fastFollowersCount': 0, 'favouritesCount': 21904,... [trimmed]
Hey hey,
Thanks a lot for the detailed information!
Actor Metrics
1.7k monthly users
431 stars
88% runs succeeded
3.4 hours response time
Created in Nov 2023
Modified 2 hours ago