Export Instagram Comments and Posts avatar

Export Instagram Comments and Posts

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Export Instagram Comments and Posts

Export Instagram Comments and Posts

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No credit card required

This unique tool allows you to scrape Instagram posts and its comments in one run. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs, or integrate with other tools.

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💬📝 What is Export Instagram Comments and Posts Tool?

Export Instagram Comments and Posts Tool is a specialized scraping tool designed to extract all comments and post details from Instagram profiles. Just provide the Instagram profile, and the tool will scrape comments, post captions, usernames, timestamps, likes, and more.

⚙️ How does Export Instagram Comments and Posts Tool work?

🔗 Finds the Instagram profiles you add → 📝 Extracts post details: caption, likes, tagged users, timestamp → 💬 Scrapes comments, including usernames, profile pics, and likes → 📊 Combines comments and post data into a single dataset

With this tool, you can:

📬 Extract comments and posts from any public Instagram profile

Extract post and comments content, including media URLs, timestamps, likes, captions and hashtags

💰 Get more than 1,000 results for free

📦 Export results via API or in JSON, CSV, or Excel containing all the comments and post details.

📕 What data can this Instagram Comments & Posts Export tool extract?

Export Instagram Comments & Posts tool can currently extract the following Instagram posts and comments data: Here is the updated table based on the new dataset:

📝 Comment details
💬 Comment text🙋‍♂️ Commentator username🖼️ Commentator profile picture
🖼️ Post details
🔗 Post URL🔢 Post ID📝 Post caption
🙋‍♂️ Post owner username👤 Post owner full name🖼️ Post owner profile picture
📅 Post timestamp👍 Likes count🎥 Video view count
🎞️ Video play count⏱️ Video duration🔗 Video URL
🎶 Music artist name🎵 Song name🔊 Uses original audio
📄 Post type🔖 Shortcode📺 Product type
📏 Dimensions (width x height)🖼️ Display URL

🛠️ How to export Instagram comments and posts

It's easy to extract Instagram comment and post data. Just follow these steps:

  1. Find Export Instagram Comments and Posts Tool on Apify Store and click the Try for free button.
  2. Add one or multiple Instagram profiles.
  3. Indicate the number of posts and comments to be scraped.
  4. Click "Start" and wait for the data to be extracted.
  5. View the extracted comments and post details.
  6. Export your dataset in JSON, CSV, Excel, or using API.

💸 Is Export Instagram Comments and Posts Tool free?

While this tool itself is free (only charging for Compute Units), it triggers two other Actors: Instagram Post Scraper and Instagram Comments Scraper, both of which are pay-per-result (PPR) at $2.30 per 1,000 scraped results.

This means that running this Actor will result in three separate runs:

So even though the main Actor is free, the charges from the other triggered Actors will apply. You can monitor these runs under your account with a full breakdown of the charges per each run. Just check the Runs tab in Actors → ▷ Runs.

⬇️ Input

To scrape Instagram comments and posts, the input for Export Instagram Comments and Posts Tool should be Instagram profiles and number of posts and comments to scrape. You can add profiles one by one or all at once.

Export Instagram Comments and Posts input

You can input data by filling out fields, using JSON, or programmatically via an API. For more details on how to configure input in JSON, see the input tab.

⬆️ Output sample

The results will be wrapped into a dataset that you can find in the Output tab. Here's an example of the data from the input above:

Export Instagram Comments and Posts output

You can preview all the fields in Storage and Output tab and choose in which format to export Instagram comment data you’ve extracted: JSON, CSV, Excel, HTML table, or XML. Here below is the same dataset in JSON:

🗨️ Instagram comments and posts

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147    "commentText": "Hi Elton, my girlfriend is a HUGE fan!! Honestly I think she loves you more than me. It’s her birthday on the 5th of December. It would mean the world to her if you could send her a video message of you wishing her a happy birthday?",
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234          "id": "180102238",
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236          "profile_pic_url": "https://instagram.flko7-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-19/271628455_254627536782316_666715840125669476_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s150x150&_nc_ht=instagram.flko7-2.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=104&_nc_ohc=-z9IMTpzaA8Q7kNvgHGjuve&_nc_gid=433f5871a97043c3b14bc113b6cd41e9&edm=APs17CUBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AYABpWgzui_xeyB1d51stWJhys1XL_rnSNBBKuwn6rNE7A&oe=67041C16&_nc_sid=10d13b",
237          "username": "davidfurnish"
238        }
239      ]
240    }
241  }

You can preview all the fields in the Storage tab and choose the format in which to export the data you've extracted: JSON, CSV, Excel, or other format.

🔍 Want more tools for scraping Instagram data?

Apify Store is always expanding with newer, more reliable, and more versatile scrapers, contributed either by Apify or the community. Feel free to explore some of the following web scrapers that extract data from Instagram:

📱 Social Media Finder🤔 Social Media Sentiment Analysis Tool
#️⃣ Social Media Hashtag Research🎵 Instagram Profile Scraper
🧲 Social Media Leads Analyzer#️⃣ Instagram Hashtag Scraper
📷 Instagram Reel ScraperInstagram Tagged Scraper


When using Export Instagram Comments and Posts Tool, ensure you comply with Instagram's terms of service and any applicable laws regarding privacy and data protection. If you have any doubts, seek legal advice. Read our blog post: Is web scraping legal?

Does Export Instagram Comments and Posts Tool have an API?

Yes, you can use the Apify API to access the tool programmatically. The API allows you to manage, schedule, and run Apify Actors, access datasets, and more.

For detailed information and code examples, refer to the API tab or the Apify API documentation.

Can I integrate Export Instagram Comments and Posts tool with other apps?

Yes. This tool can be connected with almost any cloud service or web app thanks to integrations on the Apify platform.

These include:

Alternatively, you can use webhooks to carry out an action whenever an event occurs, e.g. get a notification whenever Export Instagram Comments&Posts tool successfully finishes a run.

Your feedback

If you’ve got any feedback or found a bug, please create an issue on the tool’s Issues tab.

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 11 monthly users
  • 4 stars
  • 95.6% runs succeeded
  • Created in Sep 2024
  • Modified 8 days ago