Facebook Photos Scraper
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Facebook Photos Scraper
7 days trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now
Extract data from one or multiple Facebook images. Get image ID, Facebook photo URL, image URL, OCR text, and more. Download the data in JSON, CSV, and Excel and use it in apps, spreadsheets, and reports.
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We have an issue I'm wanting to know if you have any insight into. When we use the Facebook Photo scraper, we seem to have some type of temporary URL generated that is picked up by Google as a 404 error.
We have searched our sitemap, and these URL's just don't exist, so I'm looking to see if there might be something you have experienced before, and what might be the cause of these URL ghosts that are driving up our 404 links in webmaster tools.
Thank you
Hi! Facebook images protected from hot-linking, i.e. re-run with your input: https://console.apify.com/view/runs/SIxGDJAv05orrSyJV Image URLs will work for 1-2 days, i.e. https://scontent.fbhx4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/315092478_465106862273392_6710299616037505352_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=gw0DymgzvnsAX-SUWnL&_nc_ht=scontent.fbhx4-1.fna&oh=00_AfA4VeYxDBDDIegrFXUodeJ4YHqoZ54hSdwOCsY11keSGQ&oe=65FBE1A1 at the time of writing In a day or two URL will become expired, so if you want to keep image you need to download in after scraping and then host somewhere in web.
Hi Alexey, Thank you for this feedback and we've hide them behind cdn. Is this a good solution here to help stop the 404 error I've described?
Hi again, I believe its only solution, you need to get image file from scraped URL in a day or two (sooner is better), then upload it as your own.
I'm going to close this issue for now, but if there's still anything unclear, please, let us know. We appreciate customer feedback!
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74 monthly users
10 stars
>99% runs succeeded
11 hours response time
Created in Nov 2022
Modified 2 hours ago