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Telegram Channel Member Adder

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Telegram Channel Member Adder

Telegram Channel Member Adder

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Telegram channel Member Adder - Scrap Telegram Groups/Channel- Scrap hidden member from chat history and member list and then add member into target group


Run automation for 100 accounts


mesmerizing_bodhi opened this issue
5 months ago

Hello, it's working now a final question, how can I make this run for 100 accounts every 24 hours, without having to scan the QR code for each account?

I assume using schedules, but I need it to run without having to scan the QR codes every 24 hours so it can run automated.



5 months ago

Hello, any update?

bhansalisoft avatar

We have window based software where you can add multiple telegram account and then you can scrape group and add to member.



5 months ago

Do you also offer mass dm software?

And do you offer accounts that don’t get banned?

bhansalisoft avatar

Let me know.

bhansalisoft avatar

In apify telegram group adder we added functionality for add telegram auth token, first time you need scan QR code and copy telegram auth token and paste on telegram auth token box. Then next time you don't need to scan QR you can schedule this.

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 397 monthly users
  • 15 stars
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • 9.8 hours response time
  • Created in Mar 2024
  • Modified 5 days ago