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Upwork Job Auto Apply

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Upwork Job Auto Apply

Upwork Job Auto Apply

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3 days trial then $50.00/month - No credit card required now

Pass a job application URL, Upwork login information, and messaging and automatically apply to a job. Pair with an Upwork's scraper to apply within minutes of a job being posted.


Doesnt work

mezarchakwa opened this issue
a month ago

First time I got it to successfully complete, it showed connects were purchased and proposal was submitted.. but in Upwork, neither of those things happened. I'm trying again, and now I'm getting an error. Can't seem to get this to work.

Big-Brain.io avatar

Hey, 2 things

  1. You're missing the freelancer field. You need either it or the agency field (not both or will cause an error)
  2. Use a Static Proxy instead of a residential proxy. You may need to message APIFY to enable static proxies.

With these 2 changes I was able to get it to successfully run with the body you gave. Attached is the body used.

Big-Brain.io avatar

Hey, did this solve your issue?



a month ago

No. Turns out, it was a problem with the way I am using Make.com to send the JSON payload.

I got it to submit, but now I have another problem: the line breaks. I tried replacing line breaks with "/n" or "//n" and both ways allowed the proposals to be submitted, but in Upwork, they actually show the //n within the text, so I can't find a way to include line breaks into my proposals.

So for now, all proposals submitted through this actor look like one giant paragraph. Any insight on how I can add line breaks to Upwork proposals via JSON?

Big-Brain.io avatar

Can you share with me the share URL you used?

In the top right click share and copy the URL. Email it to me at patrick@big-brain.co rather than reply to this thread with it, as it contains sensitive information that you don't want displayed publicly.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 6 monthly users


  • 90% runs succeeded

  • 0.82 hours response time

  • Created in May 2021

  • Modified a month ago
