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Upwork Job Auto Apply

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Upwork Job Auto Apply

Upwork Job Auto Apply

Try for free

3 days trial then $50.00/month - No credit card required now

Pass a job application URL, Upwork login information, and messaging and automatically apply to a job. Pair with an Upwork's scraper to apply within minutes of a job being posted.


Individual Runs are crashing

synaptics_admin opened this issue
2 years ago

Some runs are crashing and resurrecting them does not help, hope you can help me trouble shoot what the reason is.

Big-Brain.io avatar

Can you include the log of the run?



2 years ago

Note that all runs are crashing for a while now.

Big-Brain.io avatar

Can you share the full log?

Click share in the top right and copy the URL provided. This will include a screenshot and your inputs to be able to debug.

The URL contains sensitive information that should not be shared publicly. You can email this URL to patrick@big-brain.co.



2 years ago

Sent via email. Thank you!

Big-Brain.io avatar

Received and replied!

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 6 monthly users


  • 90% runs succeeded

  • 0.82 hours response time

  • Created in May 2021

  • Modified a month ago
