🔍 Upwork - 🔥High Quality Job Scrapper
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🔍 Upwork - 🔥High Quality Job Scrapper
No credit card required
This API performs web scraping on Upwork, providing real-time access to job listings from various categories. It fetches up to 50 job records at a time, delivering valuable details. The API is designed to deliver fresh data every 10 minutes, ensuring you always have the latest job postings.
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18 monthly users
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>99% runs succeeded
Created in Jan 2025
Modified a month ago
Scrape Upwork Job Listings in Python
This template enables fast scraping of job listings from Upwork. It quickly extracts key job data such as:
** Job title ** Category ** Budget ** Job description ** Skills ** Job level ** Published date ** More...
Using HTTPX for fast page fetching and Beautiful Soup for parsing, the data is stored in a dataset for easy access.
Key Features
** Fast scraping of job listings from Upwork. ** Extracts important fields like job title, category, budget, and skills. ** Apify SDK for Python for building efficient scrapers. ** Data stored in a dataset for easy processing and access.