Upwork Job Auto Apply
7 days trial then $50.00/month - No credit card required now
Upwork Job Auto Apply
7 days trial then $50.00/month - No credit card required now
Pass a job application URL, Upwork login information, and messaging and automatically apply to a job. Pair with Upwork's RSS feeds to apply within minutes of a job being posted.
Hi, i tried running the script from a no code (Make) automation by API and trough Apify. I get the same resault which is that the run finishes as successful but i can't see any proposals sent on my UpWork dashboard. I tried multiple different proposal types, hourly by projects etc. Also I tried to do it as an agency and freelancer. But no luck
There are no errors in the log only this warning: WARN [!] Couldn't find payment method!
Can you share the run log to patrick@big-brain.co
Any updates on this? I sent an email with all the info.
This is fixed