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3 days trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now
Collect or Search for Posts and User profiles on Threads. It's fast and costs little!
Actor Metrics
24 monthly users
No reviews yet
1 bookmark
>99% runs succeeded
0.19 hours response time
Created in Jan 2025
Modified 2 months ago
⚡ Threads public website only returns a limited number of posts. The best way to collect posts is to schedule this Actor on a daily basis, with "since date" set to yesterday/today's date.
Process (select)
Get User Profile
Returns profile information.
Get User Posts / Replies / Reposts
Returns profile information and posts.
Search for User
Returns usernames matching the search terms.
Returns posts matching the search terms.
User Profiles (array)
Expected format: Username (microsoft365), ID or URL (https://www.threads.net/@spotify/)
Sort by (select)
Pinned first, or most recent.
Since date (string)
Applied AFTER data collection. Removes any entry before the specified date.
Expected format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Include Raw data (select)
Also returns the raw data from Threads (additional fields).
💡 Media content, such as images, videos, etc., can be found in the "raw" key. Input "includeRaw" must be enabled.
Search for User returns:
1{ 2 "id": "625400346", 3 "username": "microsoft365", 4 "full_name": "Microsoft 365", 5 "url": "https://www.threads.net/@microsoft365", 6 "profile_pic_url": "https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-19/357911524_3437512953129560_1652925957295034534_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s150x150_tt6&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=EbgIQi5sj4sQ7kNvgG6-qPM&_nc_gid=e9854be2981a401da68a7fee711b6ea1&edm=APs17CUBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AYABRpR5TQCHzTtNm5hJXOoMh6-Ctz-mhMwnamNCIu0O8g&oe=67847355&_nc_sid=10d13b", 7 "follower_count": 276234, 8 "biography": "Blocked our calendar to thread", 9 "is_verified": true, 10 "website": "https://clicklinkin.bio/microsoft365", 11 "raw": [] // Full details 12}
Search returns:
1[ 2 { 3 "id": "3522365518020531801_625400346", 4 "url": "https://www.threads.net/@microsoft365/post/DDh9Ma-stZZ", 5 "text": "It's \"let's circle back after the holidays\" season. 💙", 6 "likes": 129, 7 "replies": 11, 8 "reposts": 8, 9 "quotes": 1, 10 "shared": 2, 11 "timestamp": 1734118714, 12 "date": "2024-12-13", 13 "pinned": false, 14 "user": null, 15 "reply": null, 16 "raw": [] // Full details 17 }, 18 ... 19]
Get User Profile returns:
1{ 2 "pk": "625400346", 3 "text_post_app_is_private": false, 4 "hd_profile_pic_versions": [ 5 { 6 "height": 320, 7 "url": "https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-19/357911524_3437512953129560_1652925957295034534_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s320x320_tt6&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=EbgIQi5sj4sQ7kNvgGi_Jnu&_nc_gid=994b3785a2254332aa9fca65b577180b&edm=APs17CUBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AYB5ar57ZTeoYfK-KC-JDjrhwA8C8y7nM-gGIeOKOYKDlw&oe=6783CA95&_nc_sid=10d13b", 8 "width": 320 9 } 10 ], 11 "profile_pic_url": "https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-19/357911524_3437512953129560_1652925957295034534_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s150x150_tt6&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=EbgIQi5sj4sQ7kNvgGi_Jnu&_nc_gid=994b3785a2254332aa9fca65b577180b&edm=APs17CUBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AYD72Yw_IMZO0IuHh4mjyphEMcOc8c0wIv68Z1Jmy-1v_g&oe=6783CA95&_nc_sid=10d13b", 12 "username": "microsoft365", 13 "friendship_status": null, 14 "account_warning": null, 15 "follower_count": 276277, 16 "profile_context_facepile_users": null, 17 "text_app_last_visited_time": null, 18 "biography": "Blocked our calendar to thread", 19 "text_app_biography": { 20 "text_fragments": { 21 "fragments": [ 22 { 23 "fragment_type": "plaintext", 24 "link_fragment": null, 25 "mention_fragment": null, 26 "plaintext": "Blocked our calendar to thread", 27 "tag_fragment": null, 28 "linkified_web_url": null 29 } 30 ] 31 } 32 }, 33 "account_badges": [], 34 "text_post_app_remove_mention_entrypoint": null, 35 "show_text_post_app_replies_tab": true, 36 "is_verified": true, 37 "full_name": "Microsoft 365", 38 "bio_links": [ 39 { 40 "url": "https://clicklinkin.bio/microsoft365", 41 "is_verified": false, 42 "link_id": "18098940622336912" 43 } 44 ], 45 "transparency_label": null, 46 "is_threads_only_user": false, 47 "show_text_post_app_badge": true, 48 "eligible_for_text_app_activation_badge": null, 49 "hide_text_app_activation_badge_on_text_app": false, 50 "text_app_favorite_user_notification_setting": null, 51 "id": "625400346", 52 "gating": null 53}
Get User Posts/Reposts returns:
1{ 2 "user": object, // Same as "Get User Profile" 3 "threads": array // Same as "Search" 4}
Get User Replies returns:
1{ 2 "user": object, // Same as "Get User Profile", 3 "threads": [ 4 { 5 "id": "3537687215457445735_46045452966", 6 "url": "https://www.threads.net/@microsoftteams/post/DEYY8dryCdn", 7 "text": "Our New Years resolution is to check our mic before speaking so we never have to say the words \"sorry I was on mute\" again.", 8 "likes": 1144, 9 "replies": 42, 10 "reposts": 86, 11 "quotes": 10, 12 "shared": 66, 13 "timestamp": 1735945203, 14 "date": "2025-01-03", 15 "pinned": false, 16 "user": { // User to which the account replied to 17 "id": "46045452966", 18 "username": "microsoftteams", 19 "full_name": "", 20 "url": "https://www.threads.net/@microsoftteams", 21 "profile_pic_url": "https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-19/358209840_555660569905506_700622218812049265_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s150x150_tt6&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=AY8HdTkxXHIQ7kNvgFdrvQa&_nc_gid=d49061c20a6c433a878e426cdd877edf&edm=APs17CUBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AYDgOgSUZt6nr4oKA2yEwxVkZSWR9eO1mmQJG3nmLBsoXQ&oe=67849CC7&_nc_sid=10d13b", 22 "follower_count": 0, 23 "biography": "", 24 "is_verified": true, 25 "website": "" 26 }, 27 "reply": { // Reply content 28 "id": "3539048076592196112_60457800418", 29 "url": "https://www.threads.net/@0/post/DEdOXmYTqoQ", 30 "text": "Aha, so true! Happy New Year!", 31 "likes": 6, 32 "replies": 0, 33 "reposts": 1, 34 "quotes": 0, 35 "shared": 0, 36 "timestamp": 1736107428, 37 "date": "2025-01-05", 38 "pinned": false, 39 "user": null, 40 "reply": null 41 } 42 }, 43 ... 44 ] 45}
⚠ Threads public frontend only returns the first page of posts.
Always use a proxy!
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