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May 16, 2022

Apify platform course and the new homepage





Apify Platform Course 🧑‍💻👩‍💻

We've launched a new free course that will teach you how to master the Apify platform and become a professional Apify developer. You will learn how to deploy your code as an Apify actor and effectively use all the platform features. Check it out at homepage redesigned 🎨

New fonts, fresher visuals, updated structure. Hope you like it! CleanShot 2022-05-13 at 14.14.00@2x.png

Other fixes 🛠

  • We've unified the behavior of actors and task input tabs to provide the same user experience (including controls: save, cancel changes, etc.)
  • If you have Slack connected to Apify in integrations tab, now you can see which actors and webhooks are using that connection.
  • From now on, customers of Apify Freelancers will be notified of project quote change.

Marek Trunkat