Tiktok Hashtag Scraper avatar
Tiktok Hashtag Scraper
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Tiktok Hashtag Scraper

Tiktok Hashtag Scraper

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Pay $5.00 for 1,000 videos

Scrape TikTok hashtag data. Just add one or more hashtags and extract TikTok videos with that hashtag: URLs, likes, country of creation, video and music metadata, TikTok creator data. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs or integrate with other tools.


never completes full runs


brighter_future07 opened this issue
a year ago

I attempted two scrapes of #petsofTikTok and got incomplete runs both times. Setting max returns to 1000, but the first time it only returns 15, and the second time it only returns 30. Please fix.

misa avatar

Hello Owen, we've just released a new version of the scraper. All should be working as usual, but please let us know should you experience any further issues.

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 175 monthly users
  • 18 stars
  • 99.5% runs succeeded
  • 3.5 days response time
  • Created in Mar 2023
  • Modified about 9 hours ago