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Google Maps Extractor

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Google Maps Extractor

Google Maps Extractor

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Pay $6.00 for 1,000 results

Extract data from hundreds of places fast. Scrape Google Maps by keyword, category, location, URLs & other filters. Get addresses, contact info, opening hours, popular times, prices, menus & more. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs, or integrate with other tools.

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[FEATURE WISH] Crawl only new locations


admin_dainer opened this issue
4 months ago

As we are only interested in the changes in some area it would be nice, if we can provide the scraper a list of placeIds which should be excluded from the crawling, so that we receive only the diff

ondrejklinovsky avatar


thanks for the feature request. We're currently researching how to implement filters in a generic way - so that users can filter the results in based on any fields (place id, whether a place does (not) have a certain category, number of reviews etc...). Stay tuned.



4 months ago

+1 for this feature. We have a lot of placeids crawled (and paid) and dont want to pay again always for the same places. This is the reason why we are currently not (or cannot) run any further runs with the same parameters in order to collect new results.



a month ago

If you run the same parameters twice, will it build a redundant list currently? If you limit it to 50 results and then 50 results again, will they be unique or is it possible some will be duplicates based on the way it works today?

low_code avatar

Hi quietist_numeral! If you run it with the same parameters again, its possible that you going to have duplicates. You can then use the Merge, Dedup & Transform Datasets scraper to dedup the duplicates.



9 days ago

so there will no solution for this problem? If I run the actor every month for a huge region (e.g. three countries) it will not be possible to filter out already scraped places due to not pay every location again and again every month without new value (valuable for me are just new locations since the last run)?

Maintained by Apify

Actor Metrics

  • 5.6k monthly users

  • 438 stars

  • 90% runs succeeded

  • 3.1 days response time

  • Created in Feb 2024

  • Modified 2 hours ago