Dun and Bradstreet (DNB) Scraper avatar

Dun and Bradstreet (DNB) Scraper

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Dun and Bradstreet (DNB) Scraper

Dun and Bradstreet (DNB) Scraper

Try for free

1 day trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape companies and contacts details from DnB database based on industry, job title, employee count, entity types etc.

⛏️ Select action to perform


Actor will decide what kind of data it needs to scrape and from where it should scrape it based on selected action

Value options:

"scrapeSearch": string"scrapeUrls": string

Default value of this property is "scrapeSearch"

Search term


Search term to use for scraping

Search type


Search for companies or contacts

Value options:

"contact": string"company": string

Default value of this property is "company"

Company search: Country


Country code to use for searching companies. Applicable only when search type is Companies

Value options:

"us": string"ca": string"gb": string"af": string"ax": string"al": string"dz": string"as": string"ad": string"ao": string"ai": string"aq": string"ag": string"ar": string"am": string"aw": string"au": string"at": string"az": string"bs": string"bh": string"bd": string"bb": string"by": string"be": string"bz": string"bj": string"bm": string"bt": string"bo": string"bq": string"ba": string"bw": string"bv": string"br": string"io": string"bn": string"bg": string"bf": string"bi": string"kh": string"cm": string"cv": string"ky": string"cf": string"td": string"cl": string"cn": string"tw": string"hk": string"cx": string"cc": string"co": string"km": string"cg": string"cd": string"ck": string"cr": string"ci": string"hr": string"cu": string"cw": string"cy": string"cz": string"dk": string"dj": string"dm": string"do": string"ec": string"eg": string"sv": string"gq": string"er": string"ee": string"et": string"fk": string"fo": string"fj": string"fi": string"fr": string"gf": string"pf": string"tf": string"ga": string"gm": string"ge": string"de": string"gh": string"gi": string"gr": string"gl": string"gd": string"gp": string"gu": string"gt": string"gn": string"gw": string"gy": string"ht": string"hm": string"hn": string"hu": string"is": string"in": string"id": string"ir": string"iq": string"ie": string"il": string"it": string"jm": string"jp": string"jo": string"kz": string"ke": string"ki": string"kp": string"kr": string"xk": string"kw": string"kg": string"la": string"lv": string"lb": string"ls": string"lr": string"ly": string"li": string"lt": string"lu": string"mo": string"mk": string"mg": string"mw": string"my": string"mv": string"ml": string"mt": string"mh": string"mq": string"mr": string"mu": string"yt": string"mx": string"fm": string"md": string"mc": string"mn": string"me": string"ms": string"ma": string"mz": string"mm": string"mp": string"na": string"nr": string"np": string"nl": string"nc": string"nz": string"ni": string"ne": string"ng": string"nu": string"nf": string"no": string"om": string"pk": string"pw": string"ps": string"pa": string"pg": string"py": string"pe": string"ph": string"pn": string"pl": string"pt": string"pr": string"qa": string"re": string"ro": string"rw": string"kn": string"lc": string"sx": string"ws": string"sm": string"st": string"sa": string"sn": string"rs": string"sc": string"sl": string"sg": string"sk": string"si": string"sb": string"so": string"za": string"ss": string"es": string"lk": string"sh": string"pm": string"vc": string"sd": string"sr": string"sj": string"sz": string"se": string"ch": string"sy": string"tj": string"tz": string"th": string"tl": string"tg": string"tk": string"to": string"tt": string"tn": string"tr": string"xt": string"tm": string"tc": string"tv": string"ug": string"ua": string"ae": string"um": string"uy": string"uz": string"vu": string"va": string"ve": string"vn": string"vg": string"vi": string"wf": string"eh": string"ye": string"zm": string"zw": string

Default value of this property is "us"

Company search: Minimum employee count


Minimum employee count to filter companies

Company search: Maximum employee count


Maximum employee count, leave blank for no upper limit

Company search: Entity type


Entity type to filter companies

Value options:

"9140": string"9141": string"9159": string"12774": string"12775": string

Contact search: Job title


Job title to use for searching contacts. Applicable only when search type is Contacts

Deep scrape each profiles in search result


Scraper will visit each items in the search results and extract more information

Default value of this property is false

Start page


Page number to start scraping

Default value of this property is 1

#️⃣ Total number of records required


Leave this field empty if you want to scrape all items.





Proxy to use for scraping

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 10 monthly users
  • 2 stars
  • 16.7% runs succeeded
  • 0.51 hours response time
  • Created in Jun 2023
  • Modified 5 months ago