Zoopla.co.uk Scraper avatar

Zoopla.co.uk Scraper

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Zoopla.co.uk Scraper

Zoopla.co.uk Scraper

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Scrape Zoopla.co.uk to crawl millions of sale/rent real estate properties from United Kingdom. Our real estate scraper also lets you monitor specific listing for new updates/listing. You can provide multiple search result listings to scrape/monitor.


it runs well but return no results

zestful_zoisite opened this issue
a year ago

Here is the log. Would you mind helping to find out the problem? 2024-01-19T18:05:18.952Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image of build vSrDycTxSaZn8E6WZ from repository. 2024-01-19T18:05:29.445Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container. 2024-01-19T18:05:29.474Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container. 2024-01-19T18:05:33.040Z Starting X virtual framebuffer using: Xvfb :99 -ac -screen 0 1920x1080x24+32 -nolisten tcp 2024-01-19T18:05:33.041Z Executing main command 2024-01-19T18:05:34.613Z INFO System info {"apifyVersion":"2.3.1","apifyClientVersion":"2.6.1","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v16.20.2"} 2024-01-19T18:05:35.344Z INFO Starting the crawl. 2024-01-19T18:05:35.391Z INFO PuppeteerCrawler:AutoscaledPool: state {"currentConcurrency":0,"desiredConcurrency":2,"systemStatus":{"isSystemIdle":true,"memInfo":{"isOverloaded":false,"limitRatio":0.2,"actualRatio":null},"eventLoopInfo":{"isOverloaded":false,"limitRatio":0.6,"actualRatio":null},"cpuInfo":{"isOverloaded":false,"limitRatio":0.4,"actualRatio":null},"clientInfo":{"isOverloaded":false,"limitRatio":0.3,"actualRatio":null}}} 2024-01-19T18:05:38.302Z INFO Page opened. {"url":"https://www.zoopla.co.uk/house-prices/london/?view_type=list&q=London&new_homes=include&numMonths=60"} 2024-01-19T18:05:38.369Z ERROR PuppeteerCrawler: handleRequestFunction failed, reclaiming failed request back to the list or queue {"url":"https://www.zoopla.co.uk/house-prices/london/?view_type=list&q=London&new_homes=include&numMonths=60","retryCount":1,"i... [trimmed]

dhrumil avatar


Thank you for reaching out regarding issue. Know that I am actively maintaining all my scrapers.

I just checked the log details. You are trying to run this on off market listing. Off Market properties are neither for sale nor for rent on zoopla.

Off Market : https://www.zoopla.co.uk/house-prices/london/?view_type=list&q=London&new_homes=include&numMonths=60

This actor is made with goal to scraper either rent listing or sale listings. If you provide rent or sale listing url, it will work smoothly. e.g. Rent and Sale listing for London

https://www.zoopla.co.uk/to-rent/property/london/ https://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/property/london/

Thank you.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 12 monthly users


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 5.9 hours response time

  • Created in Dec 2022

  • Modified 3 days ago