Instagram Profile Scraper
2 hours trial then $19.99/month - No credit card required now

Instagram Profile Scraper
2 hours trial then $19.99/month - No credit card required now
Effortlessly scrape detailed Instagram profile data with this powerful Actor. Extract follower counts, bios, post stats, and more from multiple profiles. Perfect for influencer research, competitor analysis, and social media insights. Fast, reliable, and customizable.
Actor Metrics
29 monthly users
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>99% runs succeeded
Created in Oct 2024
Modified a month ago
Instagram Profile Scraper 📸
🚀 Effortlessly Extract Instagram Profile Data
This powerful Actor allows you to scrape detailed information from Instagram user profiles quickly and efficiently. Perfect for social media analysis, influencer research, or keeping track of competitor profiles.
🌟 Key Features
- Multi-Profile Scraping: Scrape data from multiple Instagram profiles in a single run
- Detailed User Information: Collect comprehensive profile data including follower count, following count, bio, and more
- Fast and Efficient: Optimized for speed and reliability
📊 Data Points Collected
- Username
- Full Name
- Biography
- Profile Picture URL
- Follower Count
- Following Count
- Post Count
- Verification Status
- Account Type
- External URL
- And much more!
💡 Use Cases
- Influencer Marketing Research
- Competitive Analysis
- Social Media Monitoring
- User Behavior Studies
- Content Strategy Planning
🛠 Input Configuration
Customize your scraping job with these input parameters:
: Array of Instagram usernames to scrape
Get started with Instagram Profile Scraper today and unlock valuable insights from Instagram profiles! 🔍✨
Input Example
A full explanation of an input example in JSON.
1{ 2 "usernames": [ 3 "ronaldo", 4 "davidbeckham" 5 ] 6}
Output sample
The results will be wrapped into a dataset which you can always find in the Storage tab. Here's an excerpt from the data you'd get if you apply the input parameters above:
And here is the same data but in JSON. You can choose in which format to download your data: JSON, JSONL, Excel spreadsheet, HTML table, CSV, or XML.
1[ 2 { 3 "friendship_status": { 4 "following": true, 5 "blocking": false, 6 "is_feed_favorite": false, 7 "outgoing_request": false, 8 "followed_by": false, 9 "incoming_request": false, 10 "is_restricted": false, 11 "is_bestie": false, 12 "muting": false, 13 "is_muting_reel": false 14 }, 15 "full_name": "Ronaldo", 16 "gating": null, 17 "is_checkpoint_memorialized": false, 18 "is_private": false, 19 "has_story_archive": null, 20 "username": "ronaldo", 21 "supervision_info": null, 22 "is_regulated_c18": false, 23 "regulated_news_in_locations": [], 24 "bio_links": [], 25 "text_post_app_badge_label": null, 26 "show_text_post_app_badge": false, 27 "text_post_new_post_count": null, 28 "pk": "5749522", 29 "live_broadcast_visibility": null, 30 "live_broadcast_id": null, 31 "profile_pic_url": 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