Myntra Product Scraper 🛍️ avatar

Myntra Product Scraper 🛍️

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Myntra Product Scraper 🛍️

Myntra Product Scraper 🛍️

Try for free

2 hours trial then $19.99/month - No credit card required now

Extract detailed product information from search results. Get comprehensive data including prices, discounts, inventory, images, and more. Perfect for price monitoring, market research, and e-commerce analytics. 🛍️

Scrape detailed product information from search results, including prices, discounts, inventory, images, and more.

Features ✨

  • Extract comprehensive product details from Myntra search results
  • Support for pagination and dynamic loading
  • Built-in stealth and anti-detection mechanisms
  • Configurable proxy support
  • Rate limiting and random delays for reliable scraping
  • Efficient resource handling by filtering unnecessary requests

Input Parameters 📝

searchUrlsarrayList of Myntra search URLs to scrape
maxItemsintegerMaximum number of items to scrape (optional)
proxyConfigurationobjectProxy settings (optional)

Output Dataset 📊

The actor extracts detailed product information including:

  • Product details (name, brand, ID)
  • Pricing information (MRP, discounted price)
  • Available sizes and inventory
  • Product images
  • Color variants
  • Product categories and attributes
  • Discount details and coupon information
  • Rating and review counts
  • Product metadata and system attributes

Usage Tips 💡

  1. Use search URLs from with desired filters applied
  2. Adjust maxItems to control the number of products scraped
  3. Configure proxy settings for better reliability
  4. Monitor the actor's console for progress updates

Input Example

A full explanation of an input example in JSON.

2    "searchUrls": [
3        ""
4    ],
5    "maxItems": 50

Output sample

The results will be wrapped into a dataset which you can always find in the Storage tab. Here's an excerpt from the data you'd get if you apply the input parameters above:

And here is the same data but in JSON. You can choose in which format to download your data: JSON, JSONL, Excel spreadsheet, HTML table, CSV, or XML.

2    {
3        "landingPageUrl": "shirts/showoff/showoff-women-comfort-floral-opaque-casual-shirt/31724176/buy",
4        "loyaltyPointsEnabled": false,
5        "adId": "",
6        "isPLA": true,
7        "productId": 31724176,
8        "product": "SHOWOFF Women Comfort Floral Opaque Casual Shirt",
9        "productName": "SHOWOFF Women Comfort Floral Opaque Casual Shirt",
10        "rating": 0,
11        "ratingCount": 0,
12        "isFastFashion": false,
13        "futureDiscountedPrice": 0,
14        "futureDiscountStartDate": "",
15        "discount": 2204,
16        "brand": "SHOWOFF",
17        "searchImage": "",
18        "effectiveDiscountPercentageAfterTax": 0,
19        "effectiveDiscountAmountAfterTax": 0,
20        "buyButtonWinnerSkuId": 102200122,
21        "buyButtonWinnerSellerPartnerId": 12212,
22        "relatedStylesCount": 0,
23        "relatedStylesType": "",
24        "productVideos": [],
25        "inventoryInfo": [
26            {
27                "skuId": 102200122,
28                "label": "XL",
29                "inventory": 58,
30                "available": true,
31                "brandSizeLabel": "XL"
32            }
33        ],
34        "colourVariants": [],
35        "sizes": "XS,S,M,L,XL",
36        "images": [
37            {
38                "view": "default",
39                "src": ""
40            },
41            {
42                "view": "right",
43                "src": ""
44            },
45            {
46                "view": "search",
47                "src": ""
48            },
49            {
50                "view": "back",
51                "src": ""
52            },
53            {
54                "view": "bottom",
55                "src": ""
56            },
57            {
58                "view": "top",
59                "src": ""
60            },
61            {
62                "view": "front",
63                "src": ""
64            },
65            {
66                "view": "size_representation",
67                "src": ""
68            },
69            {
70                "view": "left",
71                "src": ""
72            }
73        ],
74        "gender": "Women",
75        "primaryColour": "White",
76        "discountLabel": "Flat_Search_Percent",
77        "discountDisplayLabel": "(63% OFF)",
78        "additionalInfo": "Opaque Casual Shirt",
79        "category": "Shirts",
80        "mrp": 3498,
81        "price": 1294,
82        "advanceOrderTag": "",
83        "colorVariantAvailable": false,
84        "productimagetag": "",
85        "listViews": 0,
86        "discountType": "1",
87        "tdBxGyText": "",
88        "catalogDate": "1732147200000",
89        "season": "Summer",
90        "year": "2024",
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92        "eorsPicksTag": "",
93        "personalizedCoupon": "",
94        "personalizedCouponValue": 0,
95        "productMeta": "",
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98                "attribute": "SA_XT_DEAL_OF_THE_DAY",
99                "value": "Deal of the Day",
100                "metaInfo": ""
101            },
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103                "attribute": "SA_XT_MYNTRA_UNIQUE",
104                "value": "Myntra Unique",
105                "metaInfo": ""
106            }
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118                "couponCode": "MYNTRA300",
119                "bestPrice": 994,
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128                    }
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130            }
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132        "productMetaData": {
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140                "skuId": "31724176_12212",
141                "productId": "31724176",
142                "tracking": {
143                    "click_url": "[EVENTTIME]&adType=SPA",
144                    "view_url": "[STARTTIME]&vet=[ENDTIME]&adType=SPA",
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146                },
147                "sellerId": "12212",
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150                "isCrossBrandAd": false,
151                "crossBrandFallback": "SEARCH",
152                "crossBrandInfo": null
153            },
154            "lmsMetadata": "",
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157                "metasrcDsExplore": "",
158                "metasrcDsCohort": "",
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161                "exploreSlot": false,
162                "isExplore": false
163            }
164        },
165        "virtualTryOn": {
166            "vtrPartner": ""
167        },
168        "vtrApplicable": false,
169        "articleType": {
170            "typeName": "Shirts"
171        },
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173            "typeName": "Topwear"
174        },
175        "masterCategory": {
176            "typeName": "Apparel"
177        },
178        "mediaData": [],
179        "hasMultipleSizes": true,
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181        "styleTagEntry": {
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188                        {
189                            "name": "Deal of the Day",
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191                        },
192                        {
193                            "name": "Myntra Unique",
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195                        }
196                    ]
197                },
198                "trends": {},
199                "trust": {}
200            }
201        },
202        "brandLogo": "",
203        "rankingSource": null,
204        "searchUrl": ""
205    },
206    ...
Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 8 Monthly users

  • No reviews yet

  • 1 bookmark

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 34 days response time

  • Created in Jan 2025

  • Modified 2 days ago