Substack Publications Scraper 📚 avatar

Substack Publications Scraper 📚

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Substack Publications Scraper 📚

Substack Publications Scraper 📚

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2 hours trial then $19.99/month - No credit card required now

Scrape detailed publication information from Substack based on keywords. Get comprehensive data about newsletters, authors, subscriber counts, and publication metrics in structured JSON format.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 3 monthly users

  • No reviews yet

  • 1 bookmark

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Feb 2025

  • Modified 2 days ago

Extract comprehensive publication data from Substack's search results. This actor helps you gather detailed information about newsletters, authors, and their performance metrics.

🔍 Features

  • Search publications by keywords
  • Extract detailed publication metadata
  • Get subscriber counts and engagement metrics
  • Collect author information and social links
  • Retrieve publication themes and settings
  • Export data in structured JSON format

📊 Output Data

The actor provides rich publication data including:

  • Publication name and description
  • Author details (name, bio, photo URL)
  • Subscriber counts and rankings
  • Creation dates and publication status
  • Theme settings and customization
  • Social media integrations
  • Community and podcast features
  • Multilingual ranking details

💡 Use Cases

  • Newsletter market research
  • Content creator analysis
  • Competitive intelligence
  • Publishing industry insights
  • Audience size tracking
  • Content platform analysis

🛠️ Input Parameters

  • keywords: Array of search terms to find publications
  • maxItems: Maximum number of publications to scrape (default: 50)

📋 Output Format

Results are stored in JSON format with detailed publication information. Each record includes:

  • Basic publication details
  • Author information
  • Subscriber metrics
  • Theme configuration
  • Platform settings
  • Temporal data

💪 Benefits

  • Clean, structured data
  • Real-time information
  • Comprehensive publication details
  • Efficient bulk scraping
  • Regular updates
  • Reliable performance

🎯 Perfect For

  • Content marketers
  • Newsletter publishers
  • Market researchers
  • Media analysts
  • Platform developers
  • Digital strategists

Need to scrape specific Substack publications? Just provide your keywords and let the actor do the heavy lifting! 🚀

Input Example

A full explanation of an input example in JSON.

2    "keywords": [
3        "sale"
4    ],
5    "maxItems": 50

Output sample

The results will be wrapped into a dataset which you can always find in the Storage tab. Here's an excerpt from the data you'd get if you apply the input parameters above:

And here is the same data but in JSON. You can choose in which format to download your data: JSON, JSONL, Excel spreadsheet, HTML table, CSV, or XML.

2    {
3        "keyword": "sale",
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5        "apex_domain": null,
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8        "bylines_enabled": true,
9        "chartable_token": null,
10        "community_enabled": true,
11        "copyright": "Anna Sale",
12        "cover_photo_url": "",
13        "created_at": "2023-11-07T19:46:21.152Z",
14        "custom_domain_optional": false,
15        "custom_domain": null,
16        "custom_publication_theme_id": null,
17        "default_comment_sort": "best_first",
18        "default_coupon": null,
19        "default_group_coupon": null,
20        "default_show_guest_bios": true,
21        "email_banner_url": null,
22        "email_from_name": "Anna Sale",
23        "email_from": null,
24        "embed_tracking_disabled": false,
25        "explicit": false,
26        "expose_paywall_content_to_search_engines": true,
27        "fb_pixel_id": null,
28        "fb_site_verification_token": null,
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36        "hero_text": "Writings, recommendations, conversations and FUN from Anna Sale, host of Slate's podcast Death, Sex & Money. We're all coming from somewhere. ",
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84        "author_name": "Anna Sale",
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87        "author_bio": "I'm an interviewer and writer. My podcast is Death, Sex & Money from Slate. My book is Let's Talk About Hard Things. ",
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284        "multiple_pins": true,
285        "live_subscriber_counts": false,
286        "scrapedAt": "2025-02-10T05:37:31.758Z"
287    },
288    ...