Substack Publications Scraper 📚
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Substack Publications Scraper 📚
2 hours trial then $19.99/month - No credit card required now
Scrape detailed publication information from Substack based on keywords. Get comprehensive data about newsletters, authors, subscriber counts, and publication metrics in structured JSON format.
Actor Metrics
3 monthly users
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1 bookmark
>99% runs succeeded
Created in Feb 2025
Modified 2 days ago
Extract comprehensive publication data from Substack's search results. This actor helps you gather detailed information about newsletters, authors, and their performance metrics.
🔍 Features
- Search publications by keywords
- Extract detailed publication metadata
- Get subscriber counts and engagement metrics
- Collect author information and social links
- Retrieve publication themes and settings
- Export data in structured JSON format
📊 Output Data
The actor provides rich publication data including:
- Publication name and description
- Author details (name, bio, photo URL)
- Subscriber counts and rankings
- Creation dates and publication status
- Theme settings and customization
- Social media integrations
- Community and podcast features
- Multilingual ranking details
💡 Use Cases
- Newsletter market research
- Content creator analysis
- Competitive intelligence
- Publishing industry insights
- Audience size tracking
- Content platform analysis
🛠️ Input Parameters
: Array of search terms to find publicationsmaxItems
: Maximum number of publications to scrape (default: 50)
📋 Output Format
Results are stored in JSON format with detailed publication information. Each record includes:
- Basic publication details
- Author information
- Subscriber metrics
- Theme configuration
- Platform settings
- Temporal data
💪 Benefits
- Clean, structured data
- Real-time information
- Comprehensive publication details
- Efficient bulk scraping
- Regular updates
- Reliable performance
🎯 Perfect For
- Content marketers
- Newsletter publishers
- Market researchers
- Media analysts
- Platform developers
- Digital strategists
Need to scrape specific Substack publications? Just provide your keywords and let the actor do the heavy lifting! 🚀
Input Example
A full explanation of an input example in JSON.
1{ 2 "keywords": [ 3 "sale" 4 ], 5 "maxItems": 50 6}
Output sample
The results will be wrapped into a dataset which you can always find in the Storage tab. Here's an excerpt from the data you'd get if you apply the input parameters above:
And here is the same data but in JSON. You can choose in which format to download your data: JSON, JSONL, Excel spreadsheet, HTML table, CSV, or XML.
1[ 2 { 3 "keyword": "sale", 4 "apple_pay_disabled": false, 5 "apex_domain": null, 6 "author_id": 116594, 7 "byline_images_enabled": true, 8 "bylines_enabled": true, 9 "chartable_token": null, 10 "community_enabled": true, 11 "copyright": "Anna Sale", 12 "cover_photo_url": "https://substack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com/public/images/6f6ae257-6ab9-4a79-a055-0691548aaf26_1280x956.png", 13 "created_at": "2023-11-07T19:46:21.152Z", 14 "custom_domain_optional": false, 15 "custom_domain": null, 16 "custom_publication_theme_id": null, 17 "default_comment_sort": "best_first", 18 "default_coupon": null, 19 "default_group_coupon": null, 20 "default_show_guest_bios": true, 21 "email_banner_url": null, 22 "email_from_name": "Anna Sale", 23 "email_from": null, 24 "embed_tracking_disabled": false, 25 "explicit": false, 26 "expose_paywall_content_to_search_engines": true, 27 "fb_pixel_id": null, 28 "fb_site_verification_token": null, 29 "flagged_as_spam": false, 30 "founding_subscription_benefits": null, 31 "free_subscription_benefits": null, 32 "ga_pixel_id": null, 33 "google_site_verification_token": null, 34 "google_tag_manager_token": null, 35 "hero_image": null, 36 "hero_text": "Writings, recommendations, conversations and FUN from Anna Sale, host of Slate's podcast Death, Sex & Money. We're all coming from somewhere. 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My podcast is Death, Sex & Money from Slate. My book is Let's Talk About Hard Things. 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My podcast is Death, Sex & Money from Slate. My book is Let's Talk About Hard Things. 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