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Scrape to crawl millions of real estate properties nationwide. Specify any US location and extract data on all available properties in that area. Our real estate scraper lets you filter and limit the results by page or total number. You can also target a specific property or area.


Cannot Search for Single Property

padmission opened this issue
2 years ago

If I try to search for a property by its name or address, the log shows that the crawler finds the property but the results are not returned. See the following output from a search for "100 Turnberry Pl, St Peters, MO 63376"

When I do this search on the website, it brings me to the property page. In the log, it finds the property URL but for some reason doesn't return the information.

2022-09-20T18:25:39.055Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image from repository. 2022-09-20T18:25:40.545Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container. 2022-09-20T18:25:40.993Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container. 2022-09-20T18:25:44.434Z INFO System info {"apifyVersion":"3.0.2","apifyClientVersion":"2.6.0","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v16.17.0"} 2022-09-20T18:25:44.439Z INFO PHASE -- STARTING ACTOR. 2022-09-20T18:25:44.661Z INFO PHASE -- SETTING UP CRAWLER. 2022-09-20T18:25:44.698Z INFO CRAWLER STARTED. 2022-09-20T18:25:46.415Z INFO BasicCrawler: Starting the crawl 2022-09-20T18:25:47.421Z INFO CRAWLER: -- Fetching address: 100 Turnberry Pl, St Peters, MO 63376 2022-09-20T18:25:47.961Z INFO CRAWLER: -- Found url: 2022-09-20T18:25:49.082Z INFO CRAWLER: -- Fetching list: with page: 1 2022-09-20T18:25:49.123Z INFO CRAWLER: -- Found 0 properties on with page: 1 202... [trimmed]



2 years ago

Hey Kevin!

Thank you very much for using the actor. We've checked the root cause of the problem and it seems like it is a clear bug. Now it has been fixed and deployed. You can use the latest version of the actor. Sorry for the inconvenience!


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  • Created in Mar 2021

  • Modified 3 hours ago