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Scrape to crawl millions of real estate properties nationwide. Specify any US location and extract data on all available properties in that area. Our real estate scraper lets you filter and limit the results by page or total number. You can also target a specific property or area.


Transit and POI section not returning with the crawl

thalamic_scraper opened this issue
9 months ago


As of very recently I started not getting any data from the transit and POI section. I assume this is a recent layout change that needs to be accounted for. Could this capability be added back?

Please let me know if I can offer any additional clarity

epctex avatar

epctex (epctex)

9 months ago

Hey there,

Thank you very much for using our actor, and reaching out to us. We identified the issue and resolved the problem with the latest deployment. Please use the latest version for a seamless experience.




9 months ago

Thank you so much! It works beautiful again.

You are the best. Thanks again!

Francisco Carrera

Data Science Consultant | Upside

m: +34 674 98 24 47

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