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Google Play Data Extractor

Google Play Data Extractor

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3 days trial then $35.00/month - No credit card required now

Get valuable info & reviews from Google Play! Access title, price, ratings, download rates, screenshots, released date, version number & developer details for any region or language. Unlimited & lightning-fast extraction. Export data in XML, JSON, CSV, Excel, or HTML formats.


Taking too long (more than 20 min) to execute and no results produced.

shreyasood opened this issue
a year ago
epctex avatar

epctex (epctex)

a year ago

Hey there!

Thank you very much for choosing us and using our actor. This is Tugkan and I'll be here to assist you as much as possible. As far as I understand, you are trying to retrieve as many reviews as possible in a single run. To achieve this, the best option would be to use Include Reviews and "Only Include Reviews" enabled as true. Within these two enabled, you will retrieve a lot of reviews in a single run.

If you require these reviews to be nested (reviews as a separate attribute in the app information), unfortunately, this would not be possible due to the large volume of reviews. Apify has a limitation on each row in the output about the size. Therefore, the best way to retrieve as many reviews as possible is to retrieve these reviews in separate rows by using includeReviews and onlyIncludeReviews as true.

Please let me know if you need any further assistance. Closing this issue now due to the answer. But please feel free to reply back into this thread if you have any questions or concerns. We'll be there for you. Best

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 20 monthly users


  • 98% runs succeeded

  • 0.23 hours response time

  • Created in May 2020

  • Modified 10 hours ago
