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Ryanair Scraper

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Ryanair Scraper

Ryanair Scraper

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Scrape flights from Ryanair. Crawl and extract flights, prices, availability, and more. Creates a Ryanair API to let you scrape based on round trip, one-way trip, and passenger management (adults, teens, children, infants) options.


Crawler is not loading data.

fodboldpakker opened this issue
a year ago

We want to ensure that this scraper is working very well, so we can rely on it and start using this service, as we can see on the logs, there is an error on loading data (the scraper part).

epctex avatar

epctex (epctex)

a year ago

Hey there!

Thank you very much for reaching out. Can you please the link to your run so that we can investigate it in detail?




a year ago


a year ago

ERROR PlaywrightCrawler: Request failed and reached maximum retries. Error: Failed to load data. 2024-01-19T11:28:12.208Z at file:///home/myuser/src/routes.js:21:28 2024-01-19T11:28:12.210Z at func (/home/myuser/node_modules/@crawlee/core/router.js:172:44) 2024-01-19T11:28:12.211Z at PlaywrightCrawler.requestHandler [as userProvidedRequestHandler] (file:///home/myuser/src/main.js:73:15) 2024-01-19T11:28:12.212Z at async wrap (/home/myuser/node_modules/@apify/timeout/index.js:52:21) {"id":"ovaya3Ac7M6PEcI","url":"https://www.ryanair.com/api/booking/v4/en-ie/availability?ADT=1&CHD=0&DateIn=&DateOut=2024-02-09&Destination=LON&Disc=0&INF=0&Origin=CPH&TEEN=0&promoCode=&IncludeConnectingFlights=false&FlexDaysBeforeOut=1&FlexDaysOut=1&ToUs=AGREED","method":"GET","uniqueKey":"https://www.ryanair.com/api/booking/v4/en-ie/availability?ADT=1&CHD=0&DateIn=&DateOut=2024-02-09&Destination=LON&Disc=0&FlexDaysBeforeOut=1&FlexDaysOut=1&INF=0&IncludeConnectingFlights=false&Origin=CPH&TEEN=0&ToUs=AGREED&promoCode="}

epctex avatar

epctex (epctex)

a year ago

Hey there!

After we discussed the Engineering Team, we found out that the main problem was the airport codes. The airport you tried, which is LON, does not exist on the Ryanair's API. Because Ryanair's API doesn't support city or country codes but only airport codes. We just deployed a new version for visibility purposes. Now, it will raise a descriptive error for you.


Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 6 monthly users


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 4.2 hours response time

  • Created in Mar 2021

  • Modified 11 hours ago
