Skyscanner API (Flights) avatar

Skyscanner API (Flights)

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Skyscanner API (Flights)

Skyscanner API (Flights)

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3 days trial then $12.00/month - No credit card required now

Get the best flight itineraries and calendar prices from Skyscanner! Supports one-way and round trips with various filters. It's fast and costs little!

⭐ For bulk mode, multi-city trips and explore search, please use canadesk/skyscanner-flights-api-bulk!

🛑 For best performance, we recommend using IATA airport codes for Origin/Destination.

🔃 Skyscanner prices are rounded up on their website (e.g., $709). The actual results return exact amounts (e.g., $708.01).



  • Process (Select)

    • Get Flight Prices
    • Get Flight Providers
    • Get Calendar Prices (Monthly)
    • Get Calendar Prices (Daily)
  • Market (select)

    Choose from the available countries. This will set default domain, country, locale and currency.

  • Direct flights only (boolean)

    Direct or with stops.

  • Flight origin/destination (string)

    Airports to depart from and return to.

  • Departure/Return dates (string)

    Dates to depart from and return to. Format: YYMMDD.

  • Number of adults (integer)

    Maximum of 8.

  • Cabin class (select)

    Choose from Economy, Premium Economy, Business Class or First Class.

  • Nearby airports (select)

    Ignored for Multi-city. Do not include, Nearby airports, Nearby airport (Origin) or Nearby airport (Destination).

  • Number of children (array)

    An array with one entry for each child (age 0 to 15).

    Example for two children: [ 1, 12 ]

  • Save on usage cost (boolean) 💸

    When enabled, all results will be wrapped in a single row to reduce "Dataset writes" cost.

  • Retries/Delay (integer)

    Skyscanner takes time to load all results. For complex searches, their website can retry loading data over 10 times.

    Adjust your retries and delay based on your search complexity, for example:

    1. Easy search: One-way trip with direct flights only. Retry = 2. Wait = 3.
    2. Complex search: Round-trip with adults and children. Retry = 5. Wait = 5.
    3. Very complex: Additional criteria, such as nearby airports. Retry more, wait longer.


This actor returns raw data.

Get Flight Providers returns:

2	"providers": [
3		{
4			"id": string,
5			"name": string,
6			"isCarrier": boolean,
7			"rating": float,
8			"feedbackCount": integer
9		},
10    ...
11  ],
12  "alliances": [
13    {
14			"id": integer,
15			"name": string
16		},
17    ...
18  ]

Get Flight Prices returns:

2	"id": string,
3	"price": float,                     // Price
4	"legs": array,                      // Flights information
5  "isSelfTransfer": boolean,
6	"isProtectedSelfTransfer": boolean,
7	"farePolicy": object,
8	"eco": float,                       // CO2 emission levels, lower is better
9	"fareAttributes": object,
10	"isMashUp": boolean,                // Multi-airlines/booking sources
11	"hasFlexibleOptions": boolean,
12	"score": float,                     // Recommended score
13	"pricingOptions": array,
14  "tags": array,
15	"vendor": string,                   // Booking provider
16	"url": string                       // Booking URL

Get Calendar Prices (Monthly) returns:

2    "month": object,
3    "price": object,
4    "priceCategory": string // E.g., LOWEST

Get Calendar Prices (Daily) returns:

2    "day": string,
3    "group": string,  // Low, Medium or High price
4    "price": float


Always use a strong proxy (residential or custom), and make sure to wait long enough between requests!

Open a new issue for bugs and feature requests. Please share your Run URL and Input.


Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 8 monthly users

  • 2 stars

  • 97% runs succeeded

  • Created in Dec 2024

  • Modified 2 months ago