Iqbal R
5 public Actors
42 monthly users
94.4% runs succeeded
6.4 days response time
Hello world 👋🏻
- ✅ Who I am: freelance scraper architect from Indonesia
- 🤓 My journey: 5 years of coding; now scraping for fun&business
- ⚒️ My skills: JavaScript, Python
- 🇬🇧 My languages: fluent in English, Indonesian
- 🫱🏻🫲🏽 Work with me: open for scraping challenges at ib4ngz@gmail.com
- 🧚🏻 Preferred comm method: email
Public Actors

Google People Also Ask Scraper
Scrapes questions that appear in the `People also ask` section on the Google search results page according to the keyword entered with the max depth you want

Expired Domains Scraper
This actor scrapes expired domain data from expireddomains.net, supporting user authentication with optional multi-factor authentication (MFA). It also allows users to apply filters for targeted domain scraping.

Domain Scraper
This actor scrapes unique domains from a list of provided URLs. It crawls each page, extracts domains, and stores them in a dataset. The actor respects a defined maximum depth and filters domains based on whether they are ICANN-approved and whether private domains are allowed.

RegExp Scraper
This actor scrapes data from a list of provided URLs using regular expressions for precise and customizable pattern matching. It can handle both static and dynamic web pages and supports depth-based crawling to explore links and extract data from multiple levels of the web.

Email Scraper
This actor scrapes email addresses from a list of provided URLs. It recursively crawls pages, extracts unique emails, and stores them in a dataset. The actor supports DNS validation to ensure domain authenticity and allows filtering based on custom crawling depth.